356 results
Literature & Ideas Festival equalities questionnaire 2013
The Council wants to ensure it offers services that meet the needs of its communities. To help achieve this we want to know more about the customers who attend our Literature & Ideas Festival or who visit its website. The following survey asks 15 questions about you and your opinion of the festival, and should take only a couple of minutes to complete. The responses, which are completely anonymous, will be used to help us find out the type of person interested in the festival, and to... MoreOpened 7 August 2013 -
Heywood Station Conservation Area
The Heywood Station Conservation Area was designated in 2007, as an ‘area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which, it is desirable to preserve or enhance’ [as defined by The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990]. This appraisal has been produced to establish the special character and significance of the existing designated conservation area, along with the following proposed extensions to the conservation area: ... MoreOpened 16 July 2013 -
Littleborough Neighbourhood Forum
A community group in Littleborough has expressed their intention to produce a neighbourhood plan for the Littleborough area, and have therefore formally applied for the designation of a neighbourhood forum. Background information The Localism Act 2011 created a range of measures to provide more power to local communities. This included allowing local communities to guide future development within their local area through the production of a neighbourhood plan. Neighbourhood plans... MoreOpened 10 July 2013 -
St. Andrew’s CE Primary School (Dearnley) - Establishment of Nursery Class & Significant Enlargement
St. Andrew’s CE Primary School (Dearnley) - Establishment of Nursery Class & Significant Enlargement The Governing Body of St. Andrew’s CE Primary School (Dearnley) has published statutory proposals to change the age range of the school by the addition of a nursery class from 1st September 2014. The Nursery would have 26 full-time equivalent places. The Local Authority has also published statutory proposals to enlarge St. Andrew’s CE Primary School (Dearnley) by increasing the... MoreOpened 5 July 2013 -
Rochdale Township Green Infrastructure Action Plan June 2013
Green infrastructure is the natural outdoor environment around us and is part of the life support system of the community. It includes all the green spaces from gardens, playing fields, parks and street trees to the wider countryside surrounding the borough. It also includes open water features such as canals, streams and lakes. These spaces provide a number of essential benefits that support our quality of life, health and well-being by providing opportunities for sport and recreation,... MoreOpened 21 June 2013 -
St.Andrew’s CE Primary School (Dearnley) - Establishment of Nursery Class & Significant Enlargement
St.Andrew’s CE Primary School (Dearnley) - Establishment of Nursery Class & Significant Enlargement The Local Authority is considering setting up a new Nursery Class at St.Andrew’s CE Primary School (Dearnley) and also wants to increase the intake at the school to 45 in each new year group from September 2014. Before it takes the decision to publish legal proposals, the Local Authority wants to hear your views about the proposals. The consultation documents are attached here. The... MoreOpened 19 April 2013 -
Spotland Bridge Conservation Area Consultation
Background information Spotland Bridge Conservation Area was designated as a conservation area by Rochdale Township Committee on 26 th July 2007. In doing so, the Council acknowledged the special architectural and historic interest of the area and its potential for preservation and enhancement. The current Conservation Area was designated using the Council's urgent designation procedure and the boundary was kept to a minimum. It was proposed that in due course a larger conservation area... MoreOpened 9 April 2013 -
Littleborough Neighbourhood Area Consultation
Littleborough Civic Trust have expressed their intention, either as a forum or in conjunction with other interested parties, to produce a neighbourhood plan for the Littleborough area, and have therefore formally applied for the designation of a neighbourhood area. Background information The Localism Act 2011 created a range of measures to provide more power to local communities. This included allowing local communities to guide future development within their local area through the... MoreOpened 20 March 2013 -
Rochdale Borough Transport Strategy 2013 Refresh
The Borough Transport Strategy is a statement and lobbying document detailing the Council’s Transport aspirations to meet future travel needs in the Borough to 2026. It was initially published in June 2010 and as a live document was intended to be regularly reviewed and refreshed. A number of the short term priority improvements (e.g. Metrolink / Rochdale PT Interchange) included in the document are now under construction, nearing completion or have secured financial commitment, therefore... MoreOpened 25 February 2013 -
Rochdale Borough Library Strategy Consultation - Children and Young People Survey
This survey is just for school aged children and young people. We want to know your views about public libraries in Rochdale Borough. We are not asking about your school library. If you want to complete the more detailed questionnaire please go to: https://consultations.rochdale.gov.uk/research/library_strategy Public Libraries have a special role. They provide safe spaces that are open and welcoming to all, they also provide access to information and knowledge. Great libraries make... MoreOpened 21 February 2013 -
Rochdale Publication Core Strategy January 2013
The Core Strategy is a borough-wide strategic framework for growth and development up to 2028. It includes policies that set out the broad scale and location of new housing and employment development, transport and environmental policies and policies for determining planning applications. Following consultation on a Draft Core Strategy in 2012 we have now produced our Publication Core Strategy for consultation. At this formal Publication stage, representations will be invited strictly in... MoreOpened 25 January 2013 -
Proposed closure of Middleton Technology School Sixth Form
The proposal is to close the Sixth Form provision at Middleton Technology School on 31st August 2013. The reason for this consultation is to tell you that following the request from the School Governing Body and public consultation, the Local Authority has now published statutory proposals to close the sixth form. There is a statutory representation period which starts on Thursday 10th January 2013 and lasts until Wednesday 20th February 2013. Further information is available in the... MoreOpened 10 January 2013 -
School Admission Arrangements 2014-15
CONSULTATION ON SCHOOL ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS 2014-15 The Local Authority is consulting on Admission Arrangements and Planned Admission Numbers for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2014-15. The document sets out the policy and arrangements for: the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for 2014-15; the Within-year Transfer Policy 2014-15; Consultation on Admission Policy for 2014-15; and Planned Admission Numbers 2014-15. There are... MoreOpened 3 December 2012 -
Housing Strategy Consultation
The Council is developing a new Housing Strategy to address the key housing challenges and problems within the borough. It is a statutory requirement for all local authorities to have in place a housing strategy. The purpose of housing strategies is to: • Provide an overview of housing related issues in the area • Identify any mismatch between supply and demand and identify issues regarding housing conditions • Sets out the key objectives for the authority and its partners •... MoreOpened 3 December 2012 -
Falinge Fold Conservation Area
The attached summary Conservation Area Appraisal has been made available as part of the consultation process for the proposed designation of the Falinge Fold Conservation Area and accompanying Conservation Area Appraisal. A copy of the summary Conservation Area Appraisal is available for inspection at Rochdale Library as well as the Planning and Regulation Office in Telegraph House (Baillie Street, Rochdale OL16 1JH). Information will also be made available through RMBC’s Facebook and... MoreOpened 30 November 2012 -
Consultation on the George Street, Heywood Development Brief
George Street, Heywood Development Brief The George Street Development Brief provides the background and context to the site and an assessment of how the site could be successfully regenerated in a coordinated and sustainable manner. The George Street site is on the edge of Heywood Town Centre and comprises underused open space with some parts of the site having been the location of industrial uses in the past. The development brief considers the opportunities for the wider... MoreOpened 26 November 2012 -
Need for Extra Primary School Reception Class Places
Need for Extra Primary School Reception Class Places from now until September 2016 The Local Authority is looking at how many extra Reception Class places are going to be needed in the next few years. The reason for this consultation is to tell you how many extra places are likely to be needed across the Rochdale Borough, and to ask your views about where these places should be provided. For further detailed information, please click on the PDF links below which have been divided into... MoreOpened 1 November 2012 -
Healthwatch Survey
Rochdale MBC wants to hear your views about Local Healthwatch. This is a new organisation being set up to provide information, advice and support about health and social care services. Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion for both health and social care. It will exist in two distinct forms – Local Healthwatch at local level (from April 2013), and Healthwatch England at a national level (from October 2012). Until April 2013 Local Involvement Networks (LINks) will... MoreOpened 29 October 2012 -
SFL104 - Review Skills Budget for Foundation Learning
Outline of Proposal Rochdale Borough Councils has a statutory duty to work with a range of partners and providers to ensure the mix and balance of Education, Employment and Training meets the needs of its young people from 16-19 (up to 25 for Learners with Learning Disability and Difficulty (LLDD)). In previous years funding has been provided to Local Authorities through grant funding to lead the drive to ensure adequate Foundation Learning Provision (below L2) is in place for those... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
SFL108 - Review Sure Start Commissioning Budget
Outline of Proposal In Rochdale Borough over 95% of antenatal and postnatal appointments take place in children’s centres, which enables Sure Start staff to access parents both prior to and after the birth. Sure Start had a service level agreement (SLA) with Pennine Acute NHS Trust in relation to the midwifery service and the registration of new births. Parental consent would be gained enabling children’s centres to then act on this information. The SLA with Pennine Acute NHS... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
CC106 - Review of Community Safety Commissioning Budget - contingency / community alcohol
Outline of Proposal The Community Safety section of Customers and Communities is responsible for commissioning a range of services to minimise crime and disorder in the borough. Some of the budget is earmarked for expenditure which can’t be predicted in advance (a contingency fund) such as the costs of handling far-right demonstrations, repairing CCTV equipment which goes faulty during the year and specific research and intelligence projects, such as Domestic Homicide Reviews. It is... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
SFL109 - Review Sustainability Grants
Outline of Proposal This proposal is to reduce the Sustainability grant available for Private, Voluntary and Independent childcare providers in the borough. The Sustainability grant is a small grant allocated by Sure Start in order to support childcare providers who are experiencing a temporary challenge to their business sustainability. The purpose of the grant is to enable providers to stay in business where the supply of places is needed to meet the Council’s Duty under the... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
SFL111 - Review Out of School Start up Grant
Outline of Proposal Sure Start has funding available to support the development of new out of school childcare provision to meet the council’s duties under the Childcare Sufficiency Act. To ensure sufficient provision locally we do not need to stimulate supply and so the grant allocated can be reduced. General Impact Minimum demand is now placed on the budget and the council does not need a high level of expansion to meet its duties under the Childcare Sufficiency Duty (Childcare... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
SFL113 - Review School Improvement (Secondary)
Outline of Proposal The School Improvement Team offers challenge and support to all schools in the Rochdale Borough in order to improve educational provision and raise standards for all learners. The council has a statutory duty of intervention where there is serious underperformance. From 1 September 2012, all secondary schools will be members of The Pioneer Trust in partnership with the council. The Pioneer Trust, rather than the council, will co-ordinate school improvement in its... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
SFL202 - Review the cost of SEN Home to School/College Transport
Outline of Proposal The council has a statutory duty to make sure that children and young people with special needs / a disability are provided with a school/college place suitable to their needs. If this is not the nearest school/college to their home address (for example a special school/college) then the council has a duty to make sure the child reaches this provision. Historically this has been via the provision of free home to school / home to college transport. It is now... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
SFL204 - Review Skills Budget – Apprenticeships
Outline of Proposal Having researched best practice and met with a number North West Local Authorities with established Apprenticeship Programmes, a series of revisions and recommendations to RMBC’s scheme have been agreed, which mean we can reduce the budget by £82k. RMBC Skills Team has aligned other funding streams such as the GM Commitment to Youth Unemployment and The Youth Contract to ensure the momentum to increase numbers of young people accessing Apprenticeship opportunities... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
SFL208 - Review of Staffing and Provision made by Children with Disabilities (CWD) Team
Outline of Proposal Many of the children known to the CWD Team are also known to specialist health services. It is proposed work is undertaken to look at how the CWD Team might be more closely integrated with the work of health agencies, to address the needs of children and their families as well as avoiding duplication and realising savings. This will result in the work being able to be commissioned jointly by the council and the new Clinical Commissioning Groups which are run by GPs. ... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
ASC304 - Changes to the funding arrangements for the provision of Mental Health Advisory Services
Outline of Proposal Adult Care has historically funded a specialised Mental Health Advice Worker post in the councils Advice Service. The service is currently being remodelled. Rather than have one post to provide specific advice it is proposed that all advisors are trained to help meet the needs of people with mental health issues. General Impact We expect the proposal to have an impact on the level and breadth of advice provided. This impact will be kept to a minimum whilst... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
CC115 - Review of Staffing in Revenues and Benefits and Customer Access
Outline of Proposal The re-structure and integration of the existing Revenues and Benefits and Customer Access functions. A review of the Community Language Service, with the intention of ensuring a cost effective solution is in place, to meet the reduced needs of a smaller Council from 2013/14 onwards. There is already a strong relationship between the Customer Access and Revenues and Benefits services, with the receipt of benefits evidence at front line customer service centres... MoreOpened 18 September 2012 -
CC109 - Review of Voluntary Sector Grants - Housing
Outline of Proposal The Council currently commissions a range of services for homeless people, or those at risk of becoming homeless, through Voluntary Sector grants. The proposal is to save £300k as phased reduction over 2 years. Grants would be reduced by 25% in 2013-14 and 75% in 2012-15. A review of the services provided will be carried out in 2013-14. Any reduction in 2012-15 will be subject to the outcome of this review. General Impact The services offer opportunities... MoreOpened 18 September 2012
356 results.
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