GM Alcohol Strategy: Consultation & Call For Evidence

Closed 7 Mar 2014

Opened 11 Feb 2014


Partners in Greater Manchester are working together to develop and agree a shared Greater Manchester Alcohol Strategy.

Developing a common strategy provides a real opportunity to develop a ‘single conversation’ on alcohol. All agencies leading the process – the Greater Manchester local authorities, Police, Fire and Rescue Service, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, and NHS – are keen to draw on the significant knowledge and expertise that exists across the public sector, and within the voluntary and community sector, and are also seeking ways to develop partnership working with the alcohol trade itself.

It is intended that the strategy will have an overarching aim to reduce demand and complex dependency, through early intervention and prevention, and that it should focus on three interlinked objectives:

(1) reducing alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviour;
(2) reducing alcohol-related health harm; and
(3) promoting growth, including by establishing diverse, vibrant and safe night-time economies.

The things identified and prioritised through the strategy should be those best delivered at the GM level, supporting local delivery and connecting to national policy. Views are welcomed from all parties wishing to feed into the process that identifies the interventions and strategic approaches that can make a difference.


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