Have your say about how to shape the future of Rochdale

Whether you live, work or travel in Rochdale Borough, we encourage you to have your say. Here you can find and participate in consultations that we run. The council will take your views into consideration when we make important decisions.

Get involved

Browse the open activities below to find out more and have your say on what is happening in the borough.

Rochdale in Rainbows Pride parade and celebrations feedback 2024

Thank you for coming to our successful first ever Rochdale in Rainbows Pride parade and the celebrations that followed in the Bright Hall in the Town Hall. Your feedback is vital to us to ensure that we can make it even better next year. It should only take you a few minutes, and we would love to hear your feedback.

Proposal to update the Rochdale Local Plan 2024

Under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning)(England) Regulations 2012, notice is hereby given that Rochdale Council is proposing to update its Local Plan which will form part of the Development Plan for Rochdale. What is a Local Plan? The updated Local Plan will replace the current Local Plan (Rochdale Adopted Core Strategy) which was adopted in 2016. It will set out a range of planning policies that will seek to sustainably manage...

Closed Activities

Below you can find some of the previous activities we have run which are now closed. We're working to update these pages with information on the feedback you gave us and the next steps we're taking to make a difference.

St Mary’s Gate Road Safety Scheme

Rochdale Council proposes to build a new pedestrian and cycle crossing across St Mary’s Gate with its junction at Redcross Street. The project is funded by the Government’s Towns Fund and is estimated to cost around £2million. This location currently has a lot of pedestrians trying to cross a busy 5 lane dual carriageway road and this crossing point will allow people to cross the road in a more safe way. Whilst there will be disruption during construction, this new crossing...

Proposed Rochdale Town Centre Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Variation and Extension 2024

Please complete the following survey to give your views about the proposed variation and extension to the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in Rochdale Town Centre as shown in the public areas on the PSPO restricted area map. Before you start Please open the ‘PSPO Restricted Area Map’ which you’ll find in the below as this will guide you in answering some of the questions. More information You...

Residents Survey

We would like to hear about what you're doing to address the climate emergency. What changes have you made already to live a more sustainable life? The information you provide will help shape how we share information about how to take action.