Rochdale Borough's Strategy for Flood Risk Management October 2013

Closed 29 Nov 2013

Opened 28 Oct 2013


Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, Rochdale Council became a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) with responsibilities for a series of duties and powers relating to the management of flood risk in the borough.  As part of its new duties, the Council is required to publish a flood risk management strategy setting out significant flood risks in the borough and how it intends to address them as a LLFA including working with the Environment Agency and other stakeholders with a responsibility for flood risk management.

Rochdale Council has produced a draft local flood risk management strategy which is now available to view during a period of public consultation.  The strategy focuses on local flood risk from rivers and water bodies in the borough and also from surface water and groundwater.  It identifies the responsibilities for Rochdale Council as a LLFA, the Environment Agency and United Utilities in respect of managing flood risk and sustainable drainage and sets out a number of key objectives and strategic proposals for how our most significant risks can be better managed and reduced through the ten year lifetime of the strategy to 2023.


Why your views matter

Through this consultation the Council welcomes your views on our approach to flood risk management including our key objectives and proposals.  The strategy does not include detailed schemes and proposals at this stage.  These will be included in a separate plan which we will update each year and publish on the Council's website. 

Electronic copies are available below (under related documents).  You can look at printed copies of the draft strategy and its associated Environmental Report and Habitats Regulations Assessment in the following council libraries:

  • Rochdale Central Library,
  • Middleton Library,
  • Heywood Library, and
  • Littleborough Library

We would like your views on the draft strategy by 29 November 2013. It would be particularly helpful if you could consider the following questions when responding:

  • Is the draft local flood risk strategy clearly written and easy to understand, setting out flood risks in the borough and our proposals to address them?
  • Do you agree with our approach to local flood risk management?  Please describe why you agree or disagree with our approach and how we can improve it if required?
  • Have we missed something that should be included in the strategy? And is anything incorrect?
  • Are there significant flood risks in the borough relating to the Council’s statutory role for surface water, groundwater, and Ordinary watercourse flooding which the strategy does not address?
  • Do you have any other Comments?

Use the online form below is the easiest way to respond

Email comments to:

Post comments to: Strategic Planning Services, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU

Need help? If you have any queries or problems in responding, please telephone us on 01706 924376.

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