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346 results

  • Rochdale Town Hall - Organ Survey

    One of the most famous and iconic historic features of Rochdale Town Hall is the organ, which was installed in 1913. The was a gift of philanthropist Sir Samuel Turner on the occasion of the visit of King George V and Queen Mary, who were present for its opening recital. Constructed by J.J Binns of Bramley in Leeds and considered one of the famous organ builder’s finest works, the giant instrument features 3018 pipes and 53 speaking stops. It stood pride and... More
    Opened 22 September 2022
  • Bowlee Car Boot Sale - Customer Survey

    We want to understand what customers think about Bowlee Car Boot Sale and Market so we can find ways to improve the event for the 2023 season. Your answers will be used by Rochdale Borough Council for research and development purposes. Your feedback may also be used in future marketing but your name and email address (if provided) will remain confidential. More
    Opened 31 August 2022
  • Broadfield Park Slopes Consultation

    Broadfield Park Slopes create Rochdale town centre’s beautiful historic landscape setting for Rochdale Town Hall and St Chads, as well as being home to the Grade 2 listed fountain, Packer Spout. Many years of the town’s local history is located in this area, and also hidden underneath the ground. Whilst excavating in the town hall car park to install new drainage the Contractor discovered old culverts that hadn’t been picked up on any surveys. The excavation works... More
    Opened 29 August 2022
  • Rochdale Feel Good Festival 2022

    The council want to understand what people think about the festival and to see if events like this benefit Rochdale. Your answers will be kept confidential and will only be used by the council for research and development purposes. More
    Opened 17 August 2022
  • Carers Survey 2022

    Carers Survey We need your views to help shape the future of Carer’s Services in the borough of Rochdale. This service is currently provided by our Carers Hub, which provides various activities throughout the borough and online. Are you a Carer? Carers UK defines Carers as people who provide unpaid care by looking after someone who is older, disabled, or seriously ill. These people are called Carers but they would probably say they were just "looking... More
    Opened 10 August 2022
  • Wardleworth Housing Consultation

    Rochdale Council has a site that has been reserved for new housing in Wardleworth and we are keen to engage with the community when trying to decide what should be built on that land. Therefore we are looking for locals who are available to help us make these decision and become part of a board. T here will be a mix of housing on the site to meet local needs and we are looking forward to working with the community to deliver this. More
    Opened 3 August 2022
  • Rochdale Station Square

    We are excited to share our emerging proposals to enhance and improve Rochdale Station Square, see below a link to the details of our plans. Station Square will provide an important and much-needed space for local communities and is an exciting opportunity to develop a new civic space to the north of the railway station that can create an enhanced gateway experience to the town, act as a catalyst for investment in the station area, and support the wider regeneration strategy of... More
    Opened 28 July 2022
  • Milkstone & Deeplish Active Neighbourhood Consultation

    What is an Active Neighbourhood? An Active Neighbourhood aims to help residents to make short trips on foot, by cycle or by public transport, instead of jumping in their car. Active Neighbourhoods also seek to make our roads a safer place for all users. This can be achieved through: new crossings new walking and cycling facilities traffic calming introduction of measures around schools to improve road safety measures to prevent ‘rat running’ in... More
    Opened 15 July 2022
  • Parks, open spaces & horticultural services customer satisfaction survey

    Our beautiful parks and open spaces are for everyone, so we like to check in regularly to ask what you think of them. Your feedback helps us continually evolve and improve the borough's parks and open spaces to ensure they meet and hopefully exceed expectations. Like many councils, we are linked to an organisation called Association for Public Sector Excellence (APSE) and have a series of performance indicators where we compare data with other councils to check if we are over... More
    Opened 1 July 2022
  • Redesigned website feedback survey

    What do you think? We’d love to get your feedback on our new look website. We continuing to improve and want to provide you with the best service possible. If you complete the survey and provide a valid email address you’ve the opportunity of entering a prize draw and winning a 2 nd generation Google Nest Hub. With a 7 inch smart display it can give you access to your favourite entertainment and smart home devices in one place. The... More
    Opened 21 June 2022
  • RBSCP Residents’ Survey

    Safeguarding children in Rochdale The purpose of this short survey is to find out people’s knowledge and understanding of safeguarding children and the people and organisations in Rochdale that can help to safeguarding children. It is open to Rochdale borough residents aged over 18. This survey asks a few questions about you and your understanding of safeguarding children and how to report concerns. This survey is anonymous and... More
    Opened 13 June 2022
  • Broadfield Park Slopes Consultation

    Broadfield Park Slopes create Rochdale town centre’s beautiful historic landscape setting for Rochdale Town Hall and St Chads, as well as being home to the Grade 2 listed fountain, Packer Spout. Many years of the town’s local history is located in this area, and also hidden underneath the ground. Works will soon begin to resolve risks of flooding and subsidence, after finding major issues with the Georgian drainage system running through the slopes and underneath... More
    Opened 30 March 2022
  • Interim Polling District Review

    Rochdale’s ward boundaries will change at the local elections in May 2022. The change is the result of the recent review of ward boundaries by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE). Rochdale | LGBCE Site In preparation for the ward changes we are reviewing the current polling districts and polling places. In some areas of the borough these will need to change to take account of the new ward boundaries. However, in many places no changes to the current... More
    Opened 18 October 2021
  • New Barn Lane Public Engagement

    The Councils Highways Service is looking at a potential scheme on New Barn Lane to increase Road Safety associated to drop-off/pick-up time at Ashfield Valley Primary School. This is in response to a petition from parents highlighting road safety concerns on New Barn Lane, particularly at the railway bridge. Please take time to complete our survey which is aimed at gathering information from key stakeholders, there is also a general comments section where we encourage you to... More
    Opened 14 October 2021
  • Draft Littleborough Station Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The proposed Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will provide a development strategy for the Littleborough Station area. It outlines potential development opportunities within the area to support the continued regeneration and renewal of the area. The SPD will provide further detailed planning and design advice in order to achieve coherent and comprehensive development within the area and ensure the delivery of the necessary new improvements. How to view and comment... More
    Opened 6 October 2021
  • Council Communications Strategy – public survey

    We are in the process of developing a new communications strategy for the council. As part of this, we are seeking people’s views about our current communications offer. We would really appreciate it if you could take a small amount of time from your day to complete our new survey. It doesn’t take long to complete, 5 minutes, and asks for your views on our social media content, our website, and council work that would like to hear about. This will then... More
    Opened 28 September 2021
  • Young People Transport Survey

    Fancy winning a £200 voucher? Take the quick 2 minute survey below to be in with a chance to win one! The survey will also help Rochdale Borough Youth Cabinet collect information we need to help make Rochdale an even better place to live and see what transport issues need sorting. Thank you – Rochdale Youth Cabinet. More
    Opened 8 September 2021
  • Home Improvement Agency - Careline Policy Consultation

    Adult Care’s Home Improvement Agency (HIA) provide a community alarm service known as Careline. Due to the increasing number of Careline clients the HIA have developed a new Careline Policy, which sets out how the Careline Service in Rochdale is provided and gives clarity and transparency as to how the council will deliver the service for our residents. The policy can be found below under related documents. More
    Opened 3 August 2021
  • Rochdale Hackney Carriage Unmet Demand Study

    Rochdale Borough Council (RBC) are currently undertaking an ‘unmet demand study’ to determine whether the number of hackney carriages licensed across the borough is set at the correct level and to determine whether there is any ‘unmet demand’ for hackney carriages. More
    Opened 21 July 2021
  • Licensing Service: Gambling Licensing Policy Statement 2022-2025

    The Council is reviewing its Gambling Licensing Policy Statement under Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005. Our Statement of Gambling Policy is a document we must produce by law. It sets out our approach to gambling licensing in the Borough of Rochdale. It gives guidance to licence holders, applicants and people who may comment on licence applications of our policies and expectations. We are legally obliged to have regard to our Statement of Gambling Policy when we make... More
    Opened 19 July 2021
  • Draft Castleton Station Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The proposed Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will provide a development strategy for the Castleton Station area. It outlines potential development opportunities within the area to support the continued regeneration and renewal of the area. The SPD will provide further detailed planning and design advice in order to achieve coherent and comprehensive development within the area and ensure the delivery of the necessary new improvements. How to view and comment on... More
    Opened 1 July 2021
  • Proposed Rochdale Town Centre Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Variation and Extension

    Please complete the following survey to give your views about the proposed variation and extension to the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in Rochdale Town Centre as shown in the public areas on the PSPO restricted area map. Before you start Please open the ‘PSPO Restricted Area Map’ which you’ll find in the below as this will guide you in answering some of the questions. More information You... More
    Opened 27 May 2021
  • Request and Collect Service Survey

    Whilst libraries have been closed for browsing during lockdown we've been able to offer a safe collection service at the door of some of our libraries. We'd like to hear from you about our Request and Collect Service and how you have used our libraries during lockdown. Please take a few minutes to complete these questions – it will help us to develop your library services. More
    Opened 24 May 2021
  • Rochdale Town Centre Vision

    Rochdale has been on a journey to reinvent its town centre and much has been achieved over the past ten years. The award winning River Roch re-opening has uncovered a historic packhorse bridge and protected properties across the town centre from flooding. Europe's first transport Interchange to run partly on hydro-electric power was built in 2011, harnessing power from the river. The Metrolink light rail system has been brought into the town centre, a new sixth form college has been... More
    Opened 19 April 2021
  • Survey 1: For people that have experienced domestic abuse

    Rochdale Council is conducting a needs assessment to help us understand more about the domestic abuse in our borough. All surveys are anonymous so your name or contact details. We will use the information to help us provide services that we need locally. If you have experienced domestic abuse or been abusive to someone you love please complete one of our short surveys More
    Opened 9 April 2021
  • Survey 2: For people that have been abusive in their relationships

    Rochdale Council is conducting a needs assessment to help us understand more about the domestic abuse in our borough. All surveys are anonymous so your name or contact details. We will use the information to help us provide services that we need locally. If you have experienced domestic abuse or been abusive to someone you love please complete one of our short surveys More
    Opened 9 April 2021
  • Draft Rochdale Station Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The proposed Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will provide a development strategy for the Rochdale Station area. It outlines potential development opportunities within the area to support the continued regeneration and renewal of the area. The SPD will provide further detailed planning and design advice in order to achieve coherent and comprehensive development within the area and ensure the delivery of the necessary new improvements. How to view and comment on the... More
    Opened 24 February 2021
  • Draft Lower Falinge Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation

    The proposed Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will provide a development strategy for the Lower Falinge area. It outlines potential development opportunities within the area including options for the scale and mix of future proposals on a number of different sites. The SPD will provide further detailed guidance in order to achieve coherent and comprehensive development within the area and ensure the delivery of the necessary new infrastructure. How to view and comment on the draft... More
    Opened 12 February 2021
  • The Bee Network Proposal Castleton

    The Bee Network is a proposal to make Greater Manchester an easier place for people to get around on foot or by bike. Our aim is to make the city region a nicer place to live, work, get on and grow old and to connect every neighborhood and community, while helping people be less dependent on cars. The proposal centres around an 1,800 mile joined up cycling and walking network which will help GM become a true cycling and walking city region. As a result of this Rochdale Borough... More
    Opened 20 January 2021
  • Children and Young People’s Emotional and Mental Health Services Consultation

    Do you have views on children’s health services in Rochdale? NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Clinical Commissioning Group (HMR CCG), Rochdale Borough Council (RBC) and our partners are planning the services we will need to buy and deliver to children and young people when the covid-19 pandemic is over or allows. We want to involve local people, patients, service users, carers and families in the planning of these services. As a first step, we... More
    Opened 13 January 2021
346 results. Page 3 of 12