Rochdale Publication Draft Core Strategy November 2010

Closed 23 Dec 2010

Opened 8 Nov 2010


This was Rochdale Borough Council’s consultation on its ‘Publication Draft’ Core Strategy.

The Publication Draft Core Strategy was the version of the Core Strategy that we intended to submit to the government for approval, and was subject to a formal 6 week public consultation.

In preparing this document we took into account all the representations we received on the Preferred Options consultation (October 2009). We carried out further studies to support proposals and to answer objections and tried to make the document clearer and to ensure it is fully consistent with government policy.

The new government announced intended changes to the planning system that had a direct impact on our work on the Core Strategy. The most important of these was the revocation of Regional Spatial Strategies, with their proposed eventual abolition. The RSS for the North West has provided strategic policies and target figures for employment and housing development in the borough. Because of this we reviewed and amended our proposed strategy to ensure that it is still sound in this new policy context.

We also published a report with our responses to the points you made on the Preferred Options and provided other documents and evidence that supports our proposed strategy.

Viewing the documents

These documents including the Publication Draft (Pre-Submission Core Strategy and other supporting documents are available in a pdf version under related documents.


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