356 results
2024 Gating Order / Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation (97-99 Mossway / 58-60 Moss Lane, Alkrington, Middleton)
Rochdale council has previously installed gates adjacent to your property/within your local vicinity to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood. The gates which were initially installed under a gating order have now been replaced by a Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO), under the provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. Under this legislation PSPO’s can only remain in place for a maximum of 3 years, unless extended by further order.... MoreClosed 15 March 2024 -
2024 Gating Order / Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation (34-35 Conway Close / 23-25 Uplands, Alkrington, Middleton)
Rochdale council has previously installed gates adjacent to your property/within your local vicinity to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood. The gates which were initially installed under a gating order have now been replaced by a Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO), under the provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. Under this legislation PSPO’s can only remain in place for a maximum of 3 years, unless extended by further order.... MoreClosed 15 March 2024 -
2024 Gating Order / Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation (36-38 Parsons Drive, Middleton)
Rochdale council has previously installed gates adjacent to your property/within your local vicinity to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood. The gates which were initially installed under a gating order have now been replaced by a Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO), under the provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. Under this legislation PSPO’s can only remain in place for a maximum of 3 years, unless extended by further order.... MoreClosed 15 March 2024 -
2024 Gating Order / Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation
Rochdale council has previously installed gates adjacent to your property/within your local vicinity to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood. The gates which were initially installed under a gating order have now been replaced by a Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO), under the provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. Under this legislation PSPO’s can only remain in place for a maximum of 3 years, unless extended by further... MoreClosed 15 March 2024 -
Help us improve your library service
We want to know about your book buying and borrowing experiences. Complete our short survey and you could win one of six voucher prizes. MoreClosed 29 February 2024 -
Childcare - Parent Survey
The government’s spring budget pledged to reduce the cost of childcare for working families by offering funded early years childcare places for children aged 9 months to 3 years and also to increase wrap around provision for all school aged children. We need your help to identify need and any gaps in childcare provision, please can you take a few minutes to fill in this survey. If you leave your name and email address at the end of this survey you will be entered into a draw... MoreClosed 9 February 2024 -
Stansfield Hall School Admissions 2025-2026
The council is required to publish the School Admissions Policy for its maintained schools and consult on any changes. This consultation is asking for any views on changes to the maintained schools admissions arrangements for September 2025. These are the changes to the school admissions policy we are asking for your views on Reduction to the Published Admission Number at Stansfield Hall Church of England / Methodist Church Primary School, Barnes Meadow, Todmorden Road,... MoreClosed 31 January 2024 -
Harwood Park School Admissions 2025-2026
The council is required to publish the School Admissions Policy for its maintained schools and consult on any changes. This consultation is asking for any views on changes to the maintained schools admissions arrangements for September 2025. These are the changes to the school admissions policy we are asking for your views on Reduction to the Published Admission Number at Harwood Park Primary School, Hardfield Street, Heywood, OL10 1DG Cabinet approval... MoreClosed 31 January 2024 -
Borough of Rochdale Quit Smoking Survey
The UK government has committed to doubling the amount of spending on local stop smoking services from April 2024. As Rochdale Borough Council prepares the best way to spend this additional funding, we’re keen to hear from smokers and former smokers to help inform our plans and ask you to please complete this anonymous survey. MoreClosed 22 January 2024 -
Statutory Proposal for Boarshaw Community Primary School to create a permanent SEN resourced provision for Children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
Rochdale Council is now consulting on a proposal to provide additional SEN primary school places at Boarshaw Community Primary School in a permanent resourced provision with effect from February 2024. The proposal is to create a permanent SEN resourced provision at Boarshaw Community Primary School. This will provide up to an additional 12 places for children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs. The new resourced provision will be in a specially adapted... MoreClosed 17 January 2024 -
Adult Care Charging Policy Review
The Council fund on-going adult social care services for approximately 3,000 residents, this includes the funding of services like residential care and home care. When residents require adult social care, as well as assessing their care needs, we are legally obligated to assess their financial circumstances to determine how much they will pay towards their care (there are some exceptions such as Careline charges, which has a flat rate charge for... MoreClosed 31 December 2023 -
Member of UK Youth Parliament Candidate Application
The application process to become a candidate in the elections for the Member of UK Youth Parliament for the Borough of Rochdale is now open. If you live, or attend education in, Rochdale, Heywood, Middleton, Littleborough, Wardle, Bellfield, Milnrow or Newhey and you are aged 11-16, then you have the right to apply to be a candidate in the election process. Your role would be to represent the voice of young people in either Heywood/Middleton or Rochdale/Pennine on a... MoreClosed 31 December 2023 -
Parking Enforcement, Local Government Best Value Act
Rochdale Council has a statutory duty to enforce all of its Traffic and Parking Regulations across the Borough. The back office functions of this service are managed and run directly by Rochdale Council staff. The Civil Enforcement team are provided via a competitively procured contract, shared jointly with Bolton Council and deliver those services on behalf of both Council’s. The contract is due end in March 2024 and comments are welcome from everyone regarding the proposed... MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
Bowlee Car Boot Sale - Customer Survey 2023
We want to understand what customers think about Bowlee Car Boot Sale and Market so we can find ways to improve the event for the 2024 season. Your answers will be used by Rochdale Borough Council for research and development purposes. Your feedback may also be used in future marketing but your name and email address (if provided) will remain confidential. MoreClosed 30 November 2023 -
Polling Place and Polling District Statutory Review 2023
Rochdale Borough Council is legally required to complete a review of all polling districts and polling places every five years. The review will not consider ward or parliamentary constituency boundaries. How do I take part? We are asking for your views and suggestions on: How convenient the location of your local polling place is in relation to where you live. How accessible your local polling place is, for example if you are blind or use a wheelchair. If you think... MoreClosed 3 November 2023 -
Best Interest Assessment Process for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Consultation
The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are for people who cannot make a decision about the way they are being treated or cared for in a hospital or care home, where other people are having to make this decision for them. Liberty means being free to do the things you want to do, when you want to do them. If you are stopped from doing the things you want all the time, this is called being deprived of your liberty. Sometimes people having treatment or care might be deprived of their... MoreClosed 3 November 2023 -
Advocacy Consultation
Overview Rochdale Borough Council’s Commissioning Team, Health & Community Services are currently reviewing Advocacy Services in the Borough to determine if they have delivered a good service and to plan ahead to ensure that services meet the needs of People in Heywood, Middleton & Rochdale and deliver high quality services in the future. What is advocacy? Advocacy in all its forms seeks to ensure that people, particularly those who are... MoreClosed 28 September 2023 -
Feel Good Family Picnic 2023
The council want to understand what people think about this family event and to see if events like this benefit Rochdale. Your answers will be kept confidential and will only be used by the council for research and development purposes. MoreClosed 8 September 2023 -
The Bee Network Phase 2
The Bee Network is a proposal to make Greater Manchester an easier place for people to get around on foot or by bike. Our aim is to make the city region a nicer place to live, work, get on and grow old and to connect every neighbourhood and community, while helping people be less dependent on cars. The proposal centres around an 1,800 mile joined up cycling and walking network which will help GM become a true cycling and walking city region. Following on... MoreClosed 28 August 2023 -
Maclure Road Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
The Council has prepared a consultation draft of the revised Maclure Road Conservation Area Appraisal. The Conservation Area Appraisal has been produced to: Ensure that the areas and buildings of significance within the Maclure Road Conservation Area are identified, alongside opportunities for restoration and enhancement. Inform the development of a Management Plan which will provide opportunities to guide new development, including preserving the historic elements... MoreClosed 6 July 2023 -
Rochdale Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
The Council has prepared a consultation draft of the revised Rochdale Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal. The Conservation Area Appraisal has been produced to: Ensure that the areas and buildings of significance within the Rochdale Town Centre Conservation Area are identified, alongside opportunities for restoration and enhancement. Inform the development of a Management Plan which will provide opportunities to guide new development, including preserving... MoreClosed 6 July 2023 -
Mental Health Support Survey
Mental Health Support Survey MoreClosed 30 June 2023 -
Support or object to a planning application
We want to hear your views whether you're supporting or opposing a planning application. To make sure your views aren't misinterpreted, we only accept comments sent to us in writing. We receive a high number of comments on applications and are unable to acknowledge or respond to them directly. Find out how to support or object to a planning application online by clicking the link below. MoreOpened 18 April 2023 -
We're preparing for a challenging budget gap, following reductions in government funding and increased demand for services. In the future, as we'll have less money and staff, we won't be able to do as much, and it's important that we focus on the things that matter to our residents. We're currently developing new and innovative ways of meeting the budget gap and we'll be working closely with partners, residents and service users to achieve this. Click the link below to find out... MoreOpened 18 April 2023 -
Towns Fund - money to help us improve Rochdale
In November 2019, Rochdale was announced as one of the 101 towns to benefit from the £3.6 billion Towns Fund as part of the government's plan to level up regions. We secured £23.6 million. The Towns Fund was set up to address growth constraints and to deliver long-term economic and productivity growth. It will do this through urban regeneration, planning and land use, skills and enterprise infrastructure, and connectivity. This is an opportunity to secure significant investment in... MoreOpened 18 April 2023 -
Legal and public notices
Rochdale Borough Council publishes legal notices to comply with the legal statutes when carrying out various functions. Some notices are for information purposes only and other notices may invite objections. To find out more information about legal and public noices please click the link below. MoreOpened 18 April 2023 -
Pending alcohol and entertainment licence applications
These are the pending licence applications under the Licensing Act 2003. Please click the think below to find out more, including the list of pending licence applications, how to submit a representation and hearings about representations. MoreOpened 18 April 2023 -
Proposed permanent restrictions on the highways – Traffic Regulation Orders
Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are legal documents that allow the Highway Authority and the Police to enforce various restrictions designed to manage traffic. Examples of these can include speed limits, single and double yellow lines, weight restrictions, one-way streets, no right or left turns and loading bays. To find out more information and have your say on a Traffic Regulation Order, please click the link below. MoreOpened 18 April 2023 -
RBSAB Residents’ Survey
Safeguarding adults with care and support needs in Rochdale The purpose of this short survey is to find out people’s knowledge and understanding of safeguarding adults with care and support needs and the people and organisations in Rochdale that can help to safeguarding them. It is open to Rochdale borough residents aged over 18. This survey asks a few questions about you and your understanding of safeguarding adults with care and support needs and how to... MoreClosed 28 February 2023 -
NW ADASS Information and Advice Survey for Carers
Rochdale Council’s Adult Care Directorate is promoting the following survey on behalf of partner organisation NW ADASS (The North West Association of Directors of Adult Social Services). The survey has been created in order to support the development of an information and advice quality standards framework that will strengthen information and advice services for carers across the northwest. The aim is to engage Carers across the region to help us get an... MoreClosed 31 January 2023
356 results.
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