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346 results

  • Draft New Housing and the Provision of Recreation Facilities Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The proposed Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will be a revision of the existing Provision of Recreational Open Space in New Housing SPD, and will provide guidance on the provision of open space in new housing developments, and also on financial contributions expected from housing developers for off-site open space and sports facilities to meet the demand generated by the development. The document needs updating for a number of reasons, particularly to take into account changes in... More
    Closed 21 February 2020
  • Charging for Waste and Recycling Bins

    The council is considering introducing a charge of £20 per bin for all new or replacement waste and recycling bins. In 2018/19 15,785 requests for wheeled bins were made. The total annual cost to the council for purchasing replacement bins of £284,000. The council needs to look at opportunities to reduce its costs in order to set a balanced budget. There is evidence that the current supply of free wheeled bins on request is being abused by a number of residents who request a bin and... More
    Closed 2 February 2020
  • Rochdale in Rainbows presents Pride event feedback

    This is the first time the borough of Rochdale has had a Pride celebration. We want to know your thoughts on the event you attended and what you’d like to see next year. More
    Closed 15 December 2019
  • Rochdale Literature & Ideas Festival 2019

    The council want to understand what people think about the festival and to see if events like this benefit Rochdale. Your answers will be kept confidential and will only be used by the council for research and development purposes. More
    Closed 13 December 2019
  • NH-2020-21-002 - Cease delivery of non-statutory wider tobacco control work

    Overview of proposal During 2020/21 we expect to save £14.4 million from council budgets which incorporates Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Clinical Commissioning Group (HMRCCG). The cease delivery of non-statutory wider tobacco control work is part these Savings proposals. The vast majority of services delivered by the Public Protection Service are statutory, regulatory functions. Some of these statutory functions have mandatory levels of service... More
    Closed 13 December 2019
  • ASC21005 - Changes to the Adult Care Charging Policy

    Overview of proposal During 2020/21 we expect to save £14.4 million from council budgets which incorporates Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Clinical Commissioning Group (HMRCCG). The changes to the Adult Care charging policy is part of these Savings proposals. The Charging Policy mandates that anyone with capital / assets worth more than £23,250 (excluding the value of the home for non-residential services) and/or sufficient income will pay for the full cost... More
    Closed 13 December 2019
  • Sexual Health Services across Oldham, Rochdale & Bury

    We want to understand the sexual health needs of our residents. Some people may not be able to access the sexual health services they need. Filling in this survey will help us to decide how to improve services and will help to shape what services look like in the future to make sure they meet the needs of our residents. We are gathering your views using this survey so we can engage with as many residents as possible, whether or not you use sexual health services. All... More
    Closed 29 November 2019
  • 2020/21 Local Council Tax Support Scheme

    We’re proposing a change to our Local Council Tax Support scheme so it works better for working-age people on Universal Credit. We’d like your views before we decide. If you don’t receive Universal Credit or you’re a pensioner you won’t be affected by these changes. Local Council Tax Support is a benefit that helps about one quarter of our residents to pay some of their council tax. The proposed change will simplify what happens to Local Council... More
    Closed 20 October 2019
  • Rochdale Feel Good Festival 2019

    The council want to understand what people think about the festival and to see if events like this benefit Rochdale. Your answers will be kept confidential and will only be used by the council for research and development purposes. More
    Closed 12 September 2019
  • Greater Manchester Co-operative Commission - Call for Evidence

    The Greater Manchester Co-operative Commission has been established by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) in order to be a driver for the development of co-operative activity across the city-region, to explore whether co-operative ideas can help to solve existing problems, encourage greater collaboration within the co-operative sector and contribute to the achievement of the ambitions of the Greater Manchester Strategy - to make Greater Manchester one of the best places in the... More
    Closed 1 September 2019
  • Smoke Free Sports (members/users feedback)

    Rochdale Borough Council vision is that all children and young people will be smoke free and have the ability to participate in physical activity and/or sport without being subjected to the harms caused by second-hand smoke. We believe Children and young people have the right to participate in and enjoy physical activity and/or sport in a clean, smoke free environment Making outdoor sport and recreation areas smoke free protects children and young... More
    Closed 19 August 2019
  • Smoke Free Sports (club feedback)

    Rochdale Borough Council vision is that all children and young people will be smoke free and have the ability to participate in physical activity and/or sport without being subjected to the harms caused by second-hand smoke. We believe Children and young people have the right to participate in and enjoy physical activity and/or sport in a clean, smoke free environment Making outdoor sport and recreation areas smoke free protects children and young... More
    Closed 19 August 2019
  • Review of Community Restart and Renaissance Services

    The council’s adult care service is looking to pioneer a new way of delivering services to help support vulnerable people across the borough of Rochdale. The aim of our new service delivery is to:- - Put people at the centre of decision making about their care services - include a wider range of people in the delivery of services - Ensure our residents are fully engaged and... More
    Closed 15 August 2019
  • Healthy Heroes Reception Pack Survey

    This year, we are sending out Healthy Heroes packs to every reception child in the borough of Rochdale. These packs contain goodies and information on healthy eating, physical activity and general wellbeing for your family. We would like to understand what about the pack your family enjoyed and what you found useful. By filling out this survey you are helping us to improve the information we offer to families about healthy lifestyles. Thank you for your time More
    Closed 15 July 2019
  • Our Pass

    Our Pass is for 16 to 18 year olds in Greater Manchester. It combines free bus travel with access to exciting sports, culture and leisure opportunities and other offers. Applications for Our Pass will open in July via and you will be able to start using it in September. Young people are at the heart of Our Pass – young people chose its name and designed the card. Now we want to find out what you want to do with it. This short survey will only... More
    Closed 23 June 2019
  • Smoke free spaces – towards a smokefree Rochdale

    As part of our Making Smoking History programme we recognise the benefits of smokefree outdoors spaces; By creating public places that are cleaner, greener and healthier spaces for us all to enjoy Protecting children from second hand smoke Ensuring children don’t see smoking as normal Preventing children and young people from starting to smoke But to shape it and make it work, we need to hear what you think. More
    Closed 7 June 2019
  • Statutory Proposal for Shawclough Community Primary School to create an SEN Resourced Provision for Children with Autism

    Rochdale Council is now consulting on a proposal to provide additional SEN primary school places at Shawclough Community Primary School in a new resourced provision with effect from September 2019. More
    Closed 31 May 2019
  • Statutory Proposal for the Enlargement of Castleton Primary School

    Rochdale Council is now consulting on a proposal to provide additional primary school places at Castleton Primary School with effect from September 2019. More
    Closed 31 May 2019
  • Statutory Proposal for the Enlargement of Crossgates Primary School

    Crossgates Foundation and Rochdale Council are now consulting on a proposal to provide additional primary school places at Crossgates Primary School with effect from September 2021. More
    Closed 31 May 2019
  • Greater Manchester Social Work Academy – Recruitment Survey

    We are seeking your help in completing this consultation to identify how many newly recruited social work staff have been educated as part of the Greater Manchester Social Work Academy. This is to help us understand where graduates from the MA programmes at Manchester University and Manchester Metropolitan University and supported by all 10 local authorities in Greater Manchester have ended up being employed to help with the further development of the partnership. ... More
    Closed 8 April 2019
  • Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Development Plan

    Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum have submitted a Neighbourhood Development Plan for consultation. In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Town and Country Planning Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Rochdale Borough Council is now required to undertake this further formal consultation on behalf of the Forum. This represents a final opportunity for those interested to make comments on the Neighbourhood Plan. Responses received will be forwarded to the Independent... More
    Closed 22 March 2019
  • Rochdale Literature & Ideas Festival 2018 Survey

    The council want to understand what people think about the festival and to see if events like this benefit Rochdale. Your answers will be kept confidential and will only be used by the council for research and development purposes. More
    Closed 23 November 2018
  • Transfer of Belfield Library to Belfield School

    The library service would like the views of the public on the proposed transfer of the library at Belfield to Belfield Primary School. The school will gain a much needed and valuable library for the use of the school, its pupils, pupils across Rochdale and the community. More
    Closed 18 November 2018
  • Consultation on draft Allocations Plan

    The Council is carrying out a Regulation 18 consultation on the draft Allocations Plan Development Plan Document (Allocations Plan). This provides an opportunity to comment on the policies, allocations and designations proposed in the draft Allocations Plan. As part of the consultation we are also seeking comments on a number of background documents which can be found listed below. The Allocations Plan will propose detailed planning policies, area designations and site allocations... More
    Closed 5 November 2018
  • Licensing Service: Gambling Licensing Policy Statement 2019-2022

    The Council is reviewing its Gambling Licensing Policy Statement under Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005. Our Statement of Gambling Policy is a document we must produce by law. It sets out our approach to gambling licensing in the Borough of Rochdale. It gives clear guidance to licence holders, applicants and people who may comment on licence applications of our policies and expectations. We are legally obliged to have regard to our Statement of Gambling Policy... More
    Closed 16 September 2018
  • Rochdale Feel Good Festival 2018

    The council want to understand what people think about the festival and to see if events like this benefit Rochdale. Your answers will be kept confidential and will only be used by the council for research and development purposes. More
    Closed 14 September 2018
  • NH-2019-20-013 Review of Voluntary Sector Grant to Homelessness Prevention Services

    Overview of proposal The council has a statutory duty to assist households that are at risk of becoming homeless and is committed to preventing homelessness and reducing rough sleeping in the borough. This council is supported by voluntary sector partners that provide crisis support and interventions to households at risk of homelessness. The council part funds these services through voluntary sector grants that are administered by the Strategic Housing Services. The... More
    Closed 10 September 2018
  • NH-2019-20-022 - Review of Grant Funded Community Centres

    Overview of proposal A reduction of 50% for two consecutive years to the overall Community Centres grant budget in 2019/20 and 2020/21 Overall impact of proposed change The reduction will achieve a saving of £202,640 in year 1 and a saving of £101,320 in year 2, giving a total saving of £303,960. This would leave a budget available of £101,320 available in year 3 for distribution to grant funded community centres. Impact on affected Service Users Each... More
    Closed 10 September 2018
  • NH-2019-20-024 - Review of the budget for the provision of social and welfare advice and legal services

    Overview of proposal To reduce the budget for the provision of social and welfare advice and legal services by 10%. The savings will be achieved with a new procurement exercise through which a new contract will be in place in April 2019. Overall impact of proposed change A joint procurement exercise is to be undertaken to secure a contract to deliver advice and legal services. Through delivery of a joint procurement with other councils, it is intended to... More
    Closed 10 September 2018
  • Notice of Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

    The Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006 Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 The Electoral Administration Act 2013 included a new provision altering the timing of statutory reviews of parliamentary polling districts and polling places. This review must be completed and implemented by the end of December 2018, so for the changes to be included in the register on 1 December this year, Full... More
    Closed 27 July 2018
346 results. Page 5 of 12