Re-introduction of Replacement Waste Bin Charge
Overview of proposal
It is proposed that new charges are introduced as follows:
The introduction of a £30 charge for replacement bins issued to properties that have already received a bin of the same type within the past five years.
Overall impact of proposed change
This change will result in
- Improved street scene, since April 2019 we have had 35000 reports of bins that have been abandoned, vandalised, lost or stolen accounting for almost half of the bins we have supplied to residents in this time
- Reduced operational service demand, the delivery of replacement and removal of abandoned bins requires significant resource that can be utilised elsewhere in our environmental management service
- Reduced cost to the Council of administration, purchasing and storage of replacement bins
- Positive impact on climate change via reduced use of resources to produce and supply bins and reduced waste plastic from unwanted bins
- In 2021 for a period of 9 months we charged for replacement general bins only, this resulted in a significant drop in demand
Impact on affected Service Users
- The impact on service users correctly using waste bins should be negligible
- With correct use wheeled bins have a lifecycle far in excess of 5 years
- Affected service users will be able to access an appeals process
Savings Total:
It is anticipated that this will raise income of £17k per annum
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