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336 results

  • PS13 - Youth Service

    This proposal will reduce the budget for the Youth Service, including staff, premises costs and diversionary activities. It is proposed to delete vacant posts and reduce operational costs, whilst minimising the impact on frontline services when compared to those being delivered now. We propose to reduce the hours of youth work available per week by 45 or 13.8%. There are no plans to reduce the number of youth centres managed by the Youth Service. The indicative saving for... More
    Closed 19 December 2011
  • PS20 - Economic Support Commissioning Budget

    This proposal reduces the operational commissioning budget for business, employment and skills support by 44% overall. Proposed reductions in the allocations to the areas we fund activities in are: Employment support – join Employment Links and J21 to form one organisation – reduce by 50% Skills Support – plugging gaps in government-funded training programmes – reduce by 33% Business Support - the Enterprise Coaching Service will continue but... More
    Closed 19 December 2011
  • PS17 - Joint Health Unit

    This proposal stops the contribution from Children’s Services to the Joint Health Unit. This team works with the council and the Primary Care Trust to support work around health policy, strategy and research, to develop better services and more joined-up working across the two organisations to tackle health inequalities. The budget has been underspent for the last two years. The indicative saving for this proposal is £35,000 More
    Closed 19 December 2011
  • Rochdale Publication Draft Core Strategy November 2010

    This was Rochdale Borough Council’s consultation on its ‘Publication Draft’ Core Strategy. The Publication Draft Core Strategy was the version of the Core Strategy that we intended to submit to the government for approval, and was subject to a formal 6 week public consultation. In preparing this document we took into account all the representations we received on the Preferred Options consultation (October 2009). We carried out further studies to support proposals and to answer... More
    Closed 23 December 2010
  • Rochdale Core Strategy Preferred Options October 2009

    This was Rochdale Borough Council’s consultation on its ‘Preferred Options’ Core Strategy. We considered your views and suggestions from the Issues and Options consultation (September 2008), and took account of new information, in preparing our Preferred Options. We then produced a document that listed all the representations received and provided our response to the points made. Viewing the documents These documents including the Preferred Options report and other supporting... More
    Closed 29 January 2010
  • Rochdale Core Strategy Issues and Options September 2008

    This was Rochdale Borough Council’s consultation on its ‘Issues and Options’ Core Strategy. We consulted on the Issues and Options report and other documents, along with a call for possible development sites. The report set out what we thought the key issues are in planning the future of the borough and the options for tackling those issues. It outlined six spatial options on where new development could be focused. It offered choices on what and how much development is needed, and... More
    Closed 7 November 2008
336 results. Page 12 of 12