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336 results

  • CS-2017-304 Proposed cessation of Mobile Play Team

    Overview of proposal The proposal is to cease operating the Mobile Play Team. The Mobile Play team visits locations across the borough, in each of the four townships on a revolving six week basis, between June 2016 and August 1st 2016, the Mobile Play Team has delivered 36 play sessions with 352 individual children attending (some a number of times). Overall impact of proposed change The proposal will mean that the Council no longer provides any out of school, open access play... More
    Closed 31 October 2016
  • CS-2017-305 Rationalisation of additional funding for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

    Overview of proposal To rationalise the additional support currently provided by the Council for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services recognising that young people identified as having issues with mental health would access support through conventional means. Overall impact of proposed change There will be no direct access to the CAMHS service for young people involved with children’s social care, through the social work team currently based in CAMHS, however access to the... More
    Closed 31 October 2016
  • CS-2017-306 Reshape of Children's Social Care delivery

    Overview of proposal To re-shape children social care services to achieve a saving of £350,000 over two years, in response to continuing reduction in demand and focus on provision of early help. Overall impact of proposed change Reshaping of Children’s Social Care over 2017/18 and 2018/19 will provide sufficient services for children who need the service. Impact on affected service users If demand continues to reduce there should be no impact on service users. If the current... More
    Closed 31 October 2016
  • AC-2017-302 Changes to Adult Care charging policy

    Overview of proposal Changes are proposed to the Adult Care Charging Policy from April 2017. These changes will bring the Charging Policy in line with national changes to benefits and pension payments. It is proposed to link the minimum income guarantee (the amount of income we ‘protect’ from charges) to an individuals’ pensionable age rather than their actual age. It is proposed to stop disregarding the higher rate of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) as part of the financial... More
    Closed 31 October 2016
  • CS-2017-307 Restructure Youth Offending Service

    Overview of proposal To review the Youth Offending Service across Rochdale and Bury in light of legislative and demand changes. Overall impact of proposed change A rationalisation of the service to meet future demand and respond to changes in legislation. Impact on affected service users There should be no impact on the service users. Total Savings: 2017/18 £80,000 ongoing You can find the full proposal document, which includes the Equality Impact Assessment, below in... More
    Closed 31 October 2016
  • CS-2017-308 Remodel and Review the Contact Service

    Overview of proposal Remodel and review the delivery of the Contact Service to provide a saving of £70,000. Overall impact of proposed change Review is likely to result in a change to the approach to delivery of contact service in light of service needs and role of services and others in the process. Impact on affected service users The expectation and duty will remain for each cared for child to have an individual contact plan (as per current policy and procedures) which will... More
    Closed 31 October 2016
  • Rochdale Town Hall Restoration and Revival

    Rochdale Town Hall is probably the most iconic building in our borough and is widely regarded as one of the finest town halls in the country. But the town hall could be even better. That’s why we’re preparing a Heritage Lottery Fund bid to enable us to make improvements, so our residents and visitors can get more out of this stunning building. These improvements include: Opening up parts of the building which are currently closed to the public Creating a new... More
    Closed 30 October 2016
  • Consultation on the need for extra Primary school places from September 2017

    Consultation on the need for extra Primary and Secondary school places from September 2017 The Local Authority is looking at how many extra school places are going to be needed throughout the Borough in the coming years. The consultation papers detail the current number of places available for each Township, the anticipated number of additional places that will be required and proposals for how these might be provided. The consultation runs from Monday 12th September and ends at... More
    Closed 10 October 2016
  • Consultation on the need for extra Secondary school places from September 2017

    Consultation on the need for extra Primary and Secondary school places from September 2017 The Local Authority is looking at how many extra school places are going to be needed throughout the Borough in the coming years. The consultation papers detail the current number of places available for each Township, the anticipated number of additional places that will be required and proposals for how these might be provided. The consultation runs from Monday 12th September and ends at... More
    Closed 10 October 2016
  • Local Council Tax Support Scheme - Proposals for 2017/18

    What is the Local Council Tax Support Scheme?​ ​​​ Since 1 April 2013 all councils have had a local scheme to provide council tax support for those households who meet the criteria for a reduction in their council tax bill. In Rochdale this is called the Local Council Tax Support Scheme. The scheme seeks to be as fair as possible and aims to protect our most vulnerable residents. The current scheme provides a reduction in your council tax bill if you meet the entitlement... More
    Closed 23 September 2016
  • 30 Hours Free Early Education and Childcare - Parent Survey

    You may be aware that the government are planning to introduce 30 Hours Free Early Years Childcare from September 2017, for parents who meet certain eligibility criteria set by government. The criteria are presently; both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family) and each parent earns, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum/living wage and less than £100,000 per year. Working will include self-employed persons.... More
    Closed 5 August 2016
  • Health Improvement and Wellbeing Survey

    Rochdale Council knows how important it is to support individuals and families to have good health and wellbeing. Since taking over public health responsibilities in 2013 we have worked to make our services easier to access and use. We now wish to get some additional views from residents to help us plan our services for 2017/18. We already know that the main things that people can do to prevent ill health are: Not smoke Be more active Drinking alcohol safely ... More
    Closed 1 August 2016
  • New Devolution Powers for GMCA Consultation

    We're living through the most exciting changes to how England is governed for generations. Greater Manchester has led the way on ‘devolution agreements’ that move decision-making on crucial public services like local transport, housing, health and skills training closer to local people. We made the UK’s first English ‘devolution deals’ with central government in 2014, March and July 2015, and March 2016, showing how Greater Manchester’s 2.8 million people could benefit from... More
    Closed 18 May 2016
  • Guidelines & Standards for Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document February 2016

    The purpose of this guidance is to assist in the process of ensuring high quality residential development throughout the Borough. It provides detailed guidance on: Specific aspects of new residential development, such as bin storage and car parking space requirements; Space standards for new residential developments, e.g. minimum distances between windows of neighbouring properties; Extensions to existing dwellings; and Specific kinds of... More
    Closed 1 April 2016
  • Proposed Closure of South Street Nursery School and Change of Age Range at Heybrook Primary School

    Rochdale Borough Council intends to ensure the continuation of nursery provision at South Street through the legal mechanism of closing South Street Nursery School and extending the age range of Heybrook Community Primary School. Part 1: Closure of South Street Nursery School Notice is given in accordance with section 15(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that Rochdale Borough Council, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU intends to discontinue South Street... More
    Closed 23 February 2016
  • CC103 - Proposal to reconfigure the Community Safety Team and reduce commissioned budgets

    Outline of Proposal This proposal is to reduce the staffing resource available to the Community Safety Team, as well as reduce its budget for commissioning services. General Impact If adopted, the proposals will reduce the overall level of resource which the Council devotes to the Crime and Disorder agenda, whilst ensuring that its statutory duties are complied with. Impact on Service Users This restructure proposal affects the Community Services team and the proposals include... More
    Closed 8 February 2016
  • EE102 - Road Safety Education Service

    Outline of Proposal Local Authorities have a statutory duty to provide road safety training and education to residents. Road Safety Education Services are currently funded by the Council with the activities being provided at no direct costs to schools and communities across the Borough. Currently Road safety and Education Training is provided on a face to face basis, this proposal would change that delivery to maintain compliance with relevant safety education material sourced from... More
    Closed 8 February 2016
  • School Admission Arrangements and Planned Admission Numbers for 2017/18

    Proposed admission arrangements for Rochdale Borough Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools Rochdale Council has published draft admission arrangements for 2017-2018 school year. These arrangements apply for admission to: * Reception Year in all primary schools; * Year 7 in all secondary schools; and * all other age groups No changes are proposed to the current arrangements. Proposed Admission numbers (the number of school places available) are set out in these... More
    Closed 17 January 2016
  • CS109 - Reduction in Short Break funding for children with disabilities

    Outline of Proposal Rochdale Council provides Short Breaks to children and young people with a disability and/or complex health needs in a variety of ways. One of the ways that children and young people can access a short break is through parents and carers applying directly for places that are offered through the Short Break Matrix. The short breaks listed on the current matrix are due to end on 31 st March 2016. We are now in the process of recommissioning short breaks for 2016-... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • EE112 - Economic Affairs Budget

    Outline of Proposal To reduce Business Support funding, and grants to Rochdale Town Centre Management Company and Shopmobility. General Impact A reduced level of financial and staffing support for economic development activities from the Council for local businesses and visitors to Rochdale Town centre. Impact on Service Users There is a potential impact on the service users of Shopmobility. Savings Total: £100,000 on-going saving in 2016/17 You can find the full... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • PH101 - Proposal to review future funding of Specialist HIV and Support Services

    Outline of Proposal To redistribute recurrent funding available for voluntary sector support as part of the sexual health and HIV provision. Non recurrent funding has been utilised to support three voluntary sector services and one service has been supported recurrently. This proposal distributes recurrent funding to all four. The result of this is that the actual recurrent funding available to all four services is less than that provided in 2015/16. General Impact Recurrent... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • PH102 - Review of Funding for Substance Misuse

    Outline of Proposal To review and reduce the overall expenditure on drugs and alcohol services and commissioning as part of the overall efficiency and investment strategy for the Public Health grant. General Impact The proposed reductions will impact on most existing current external and internal providers of drugs and alcohol services with budget reductions. The proposals will also impact on commissioning, intelligence and strategy development functions. Impact on Service Users... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • PH103 - Review of Funding for Community Health Improvement

    Outline of Proposal The public health grant funds services to provide support to promote and enable healthy lifestyles and support people to make behaviour changes to improve health and wellbeing. This proposal reduces the budget for some services and proposes to end a small number of existing projects. General Impact The proposal is likely to impact on some elements of service provision within the main integrated health improvement service. The access for probation clients... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • Rochdale Council Draft Licensing Policy 2016-2021

    We are reviewing our Statement of Licensing Policy under Section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003. The Statement details the policy considerations to be applied in response to licence applications for the sale and supply of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment and the provision of late night refreshment and will form the basis of licensing decisions taken by the Council in its capacity as the ‘Licensing Authority’. Consultation is open on the... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • AC104 - Reduction of provision of Arts Grants and review of allocation methodology

    Outline of Proposal Reduction in funding for Arts grants and review of allocation criteria General Impact A reduction in funding from £179k to £100k over 2 years – 20% reduction across all grants in 2016/17 with a review of criteria for allocation being applied from 2017/18 and delivering the remaining saving. Impact on Service Users The funding for organisations delivering Arts and Cultural activities would reduce in line with proposals. The impact on those accessing... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • CS105 - Children's Rights service

    Outline of Proposal To reduce the current commission for the children rights service and to deliver some of the functions of the service through the council’s own youth empowerment team. General Impact There will be reduction in the commission amount which is tendered to the voluntary sector. There are no workforce implications for the council. The service to cared for children will continue to be delivered through the new structure between a commissioning arrangement and the youth... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • EE119 - Reduction of Voluntary Sector Grant payments for Homelessness service

    Outline of Proposal Reduce Voluntary Sector Grant funding for Homelessness services (these include Petrus Community, Brentwood (Middleton Day Centre) and Sanctuary Trust). General Impact This will contribute to the Councils need to achieve significant savings due to reduction in funding from central Government. Impact on Service Users This is likely to affect directly mainly single people that are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and some families that access the... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • EE106 - Proposal to reduce the Adult Skills budget

    Outline of Proposal To reduce the Adult Skills Budget. General Impact There will be less funding to commission activity to support the improvement of adult skills in the borough, where no other funding exists. Impact on Service Users The reduction in training opportunities to improve adult skills for residents excluded from mainstream training services e.g. due to eligibility or capacity reasons. Savings Total: £30,000 on-going saving in 2016/17 You can find the... More
    Closed 8 January 2016
  • Consultation for additional school places at Sandbrook CP School

    Notice is given in accordance with section 19(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools)(England) Regulations 2013 (2013/3110) that Rochdale Borough Council, Children’s Services, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, ROCHDALE, OL16 1XU, intends to make a prescribed alteration to: Sandbrook Community Primary School, Hartley Lane, Rochdale, OL11 2LR with effect from 1st September 2016: The... More
    Closed 1 January 2016
  • Consultation for additional school places at Bowlee Park CP School

    Notice is given in accordance with section 19(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools)(England) Regulations 2013 (2013/3110) that Rochdale Borough Council, Children’s Services, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, ROCHDALE, OL16 1XU, intends to make a prescribed alteration to: Bowlee Park Community Primary School, Windermere Road, Langley, Middleton, Manchester, M24 4LA with effect from 1st September... More
    Closed 30 December 2015
336 results. Page 7 of 12