CS-2017-308 Remodel and Review the Contact Service

Closed 31 Oct 2016

Opened 15 Sep 2016


Overview of proposal

Remodel and review the delivery of the Contact Service to provide a saving of £70,000.

Overall impact of proposed change

Review is likely to result in a change to the approach to delivery of contact service in light of service needs and role of services and others in the process.

Impact on affected service users

The expectation and duty will remain for each cared for child to have an individual contact plan (as per current policy and procedures) which will be subject to regular review as part of the statutory review process. Potential changes will be managed to minimise any disruption to our cared for children and their families.

Total Savings: 2017/18 £70,000 ongoing

You can find the full proposal document, which includes the Equality Impact Assessment, below in the related documents section.


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