Closed Consultations

342 results

  • Rochdale Core Strategy Issues and Options September 2008

    This was Rochdale Borough Council’s consultation on its ‘Issues and Options’ Core Strategy. We consulted on the Issues and Options report and other documents, along with a call for possible development sites. The report set out what we thought the key issues are in planning the future of the borough and the options for tackling those issues. It outlined six spatial options on where new development could be focused. It offered choices on what and how much development is needed, and... More
    Opened 8 September 2008
  • Rochdale Core Strategy Preferred Options October 2009

    This was Rochdale Borough Council’s consultation on its ‘Preferred Options’ Core Strategy. We considered your views and suggestions from the Issues and Options consultation (September 2008), and took account of new information, in preparing our Preferred Options. We then produced a document that listed all the representations received and provided our response to the points made. Viewing the documents These documents including the Preferred Options report and other supporting... More
    Opened 26 October 2009
  • Rochdale Publication Draft Core Strategy November 2010

    This was Rochdale Borough Council’s consultation on its ‘Publication Draft’ Core Strategy. The Publication Draft Core Strategy was the version of the Core Strategy that we intended to submit to the government for approval, and was subject to a formal 6 week public consultation. In preparing this document we took into account all the representations we received on the Preferred Options consultation (October 2009). We carried out further studies to support proposals and to answer... More
    Opened 8 November 2010
  • PS03 - Reductions to and reconfiguration of boroughwide debt, housing and welfare rights advice services

    This proposal changes the debt, housing and welfare rights, employment and immigration advice services from being delivered by the council and two outside agencies (Citizens Advice Bureau and the Law Centre) to a single commissioned service operating in each township. This commissioned service would be a new service, meaning the Council would no longer provide an in house advice service, and mean potential significant changes to the Citizens Advice Bureau and Rochdale Law Centre. ... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS22 - Community Voluntary Sector Support

    This proposal relates to re-tendering the contract for voluntary and community sector support at a lower cost than at present. Supporting a thriving and effective voluntary and community sector has been a long-standing aim of the Council. To assist with this, Rochdale Council for Voluntary Services (CVS) was awarded a three-year contract following a competitive process to provide a range of support to the voluntary sector, which is due to end on 31 March 2012. Given the importance... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS15 - Education Welfare Service

    This proposal relates to reductions in the staffing of the Education Welfare Service. This service supports schools to improve the attendance of pupils and reduce persistent absence, and with their responsibilities relating to safeguarding. Schools are increasingly responsible for their own performance and improving their attainment and attendance, for instance by using ICT systems and employing their own staff who focus on home-school and family issues. We have ensured that... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS09 - Children's Centres - Resources

    This proposal reduces the budgets for running costs of the 16 Children’s Centres by £2,000 each. The indicative saving for this proposal is £32,000 More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS21 - Town Centre Management

    This proposal reduces the grant to Rochdale Town Centre Management Company. Although this represents a significant reduction in Rochdale Town Centre Management Company’s income (12%), it should have limited impact on the support that is provided to local companies. The reduction in funding will mean that the company is no longer able to pay Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH) to maintain the town centre CCTV cameras. However, maintenance of these cameras should be covered under... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS10 - Home to School Discretionary Transport

    This proposal is to end discretionary home to school transport for all children attending mainstream schools with effect from 1 st September 2013. Under the current policy, as well as meeting its legal duty, the Council provides extra support to children for home to school transport such as: children attending a church school rather than their nearest school; all primary age children being eligible if the nearest school is over two miles away; and giving... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • P02 - Review of Countryside & Open Spaces

    The council is considering a number of alternative options, as follows: Proposal A This proposal will reduce the number of Township Parks and Countryside Rangers positions resulting in: A reduced presence of staff in parks, countryside and at events Reduced maintenance for countryside and woodland areas The Green Volunteer and Community Payback activities will no longer be organised by the service, although they will continue to supervise this... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS06 - Adult Care Prevention and Independence Strategy Phase 2

    This proposal involves the ending of some current prevention and independence services and the development of commissioning plans for new services as part of the Adult Care and Support Prevention and Independence Strategy. We have already consulted with providers and service users on a lot of this as part of the strategy development between April and August this year. The proposed new commissioning priorities are: community-based support services for older people and... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS28 - Early Break (Young People’s Substance Misuse Service)

    This proposal reduces the council’s contribution to the Early Break service. Early Break is a charitable organisation commissioned by the Rochdale Safer Communities Partnership to provide a service for young drug and/or alcohol users and their parents/carers as appropriate. The current service contract value is nearly £480,000, made up of contributions from RMBC (Community Safety), the Youth Justice Board (via the Youth Offending Team) and the government Department of Health. ... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • BP1 - Critical Services Blueprint

    We have developed a new vision and direction for the council. It takes account of what you told us were your priorities for public services, the savings we need to make over the next three years as a result of cuts in Government funding, and the comments you made in response to the consultation “£64 million question – how do we maintain important services whilst saving £64 million?”, which took place in July-August 2011. The document is available below in the related... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • BP2 - Quality of Place Blueprint

    We have developed a new vision and direction for the council. It takes account of what you told us were your priorities for public services, the savings we need to make over the next three years as a result of cuts in Government funding, and the comments you made in response to the consultation “£64 million question – how do we maintain important services whilst saving £64 million?”, which took place in July-August 2011. The document is available below in the related... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • BP3 - Promoting Success Blueprint

    We have developed a new vision and direction for the council. It takes account of what you told us were your priorities for public services, the savings we need to make over the next three years as a result of cuts in Government funding, and the comments you made in response to the consultation “£64 million question – how do we maintain important services whilst saving £64 million?”, which took place in July-August 2011. The document is available below in the related... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • C03 - Adult Care Transport

    This proposal will end the automatic provision of transport for people to access adult social care services. The Council currently provides transport for many people attending adult social care and other community services at a cost of around £1million per year. Journey costs are very high per journey and are heavily subsidised. The Council is not legally required to provide transport for these purposes. Other councils facing similar budget pressures have reduced or... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • C04 - Richard St Mental Health Therapy & Well Being Service

    This proposal will involve a review of the services provided for people with mental health problems at Richard Street. The overall range of services will be reduced to concentrate on those that meet specific social care needs. It is sometimes difficult to separate health and social care needs, especially for people with mental health problems. However, it is intended that services at Richard Street which are primarily meeting health needs will be discontinued. Fewer staff will be... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • C07 - Adult Care Resource Allocation System

    The proposal includes the introduction of a system of allocating resources fairly to all Adult Care service users, as personal budgets are rolled out across the service. Over the next year, Adult Care will be issuing many more personal budgets for care services. Eventually all service users will receive a personal budget for their care. The current process is limited to services provided to older people. As other service users with more complex needs are provided with budgets,... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • P01 - Introduction of Charges for Bulky Waste Collections

    This proposal will introduce charges for the collection of bulky waste items such as beds, mattresses, carpets and chairs. These items are currently removed free of charge. Proposed charges will be £18 for up to three items plus £5 for every additional item. It is anticipated that the charges will generate additional income but will not significantly impact fly tipping. The indicative saving for this proposal is £37,000 As the proposal will affect service users, we have... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • C09 - Reshaping of Services within the Youth Offending Team (YOT)

    This proposal involves reshaping services within the youth offending team. Due to a reduced demand for some front line and also some support services, we’re proposing to reduce staffing levels. We will also make changes to our use of IT data systems. This will enable us to reduce costs by ceasing to use one of the data recording systems currently in use. The indicative saving for this proposal is £60,000 As the proposal will affect service users, we have undertaken an... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • P04 - Review of Street Services

    This proposal is to reduce the provision of street services such as street cleansing, grass cutting and litter picking in parks and open spaces. This means less time will be spent on these areas with priority given to maintaining major routes and gateways. The proposed reduction will still meet our statutory responsibilities. The indicative saving for this proposal is £500,000 As the proposal will affect service users, we have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment to... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS01 - Internal Library Re-structure and one year only reduction to the book fund

    This proposal involves reorganising the library staff and reducing the book fund, which is used to buy books and other stock. The cut to the book fund would be for a one year period only. There will be no change to the opening hours or number of libraries in the borough. When we analysed staff rotas across the borough, we found we could organise them better to cover busy and quiet periods more efficiently and make savings. This proposal means that some libraries would become... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS02 - Customer Service Centres

    This proposal involves moving the Customer Service Centres in Rochdale, Heywood, Milnrow and Middleton to operate from the libraries in those places, and changing the way people access information. People will be able to get information or make basic enquiries by speaking to advisors at the Contact Centre via free phones in the libraries or by phoning up from elsewhere, and via the internet either from home or in libraries. People will also be able to make appointments for more... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS13 - Youth Service

    This proposal will reduce the budget for the Youth Service, including staff, premises costs and diversionary activities. It is proposed to delete vacant posts and reduce operational costs, whilst minimising the impact on frontline services when compared to those being delivered now. We propose to reduce the hours of youth work available per week by 45 or 13.8%. There are no plans to reduce the number of youth centres managed by the Youth Service. The indicative saving for... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS20 - Economic Support Commissioning Budget

    This proposal reduces the operational commissioning budget for business, employment and skills support by 44% overall. Proposed reductions in the allocations to the areas we fund activities in are: Employment support – join Employment Links and J21 to form one organisation – reduce by 50% Skills Support – plugging gaps in government-funded training programmes – reduce by 33% Business Support - the Enterprise Coaching Service will continue but... More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • PS17 - Joint Health Unit

    This proposal stops the contribution from Children’s Services to the Joint Health Unit. This team works with the council and the Primary Care Trust to support work around health policy, strategy and research, to develop better services and more joined-up working across the two organisations to tackle health inequalities. The budget has been underspent for the last two years. The indicative saving for this proposal is £35,000 More
    Opened 21 September 2011
  • Cemetery Consultation

    LATEST NEWS A further drop-in session at Spotland Library will be held on Friday 27 January 2012 between 10.00am and 1.00pm. All are welcome to come along to meet the project team, find out more and have your say. The meeting notes from Spotland Methodist Church meeting held on 13 December 2011 are available to view below **************************************** Following requests to see the restrictive covenant for Denehurst Park we have now made this available... More
    Opened 14 November 2011
  • Planning Services for adults with learning disabilities

    Adult Care & Support are currently planning what services are needed within the budgets we have. Services for people with learning disabilities will be affected by these changes; therefore, we are developing a new strategy for how we buy services, based on what we see as priority outcomes and services for the future. Therefore, we are proposing to review all services and develop a set of new commissioning priorities around: Supported Living Respite ... More
    Opened 14 November 2011
  • Rochdale Council Housing Strategy Consultation

    Future housing priorities Rochdale Council is currently in the process of working with Oldham Council to develop a joint three year strategic housing plan to improve the quality and quantity of and access to housing across both boroughs. There have been many recent achievements in the housing sector within Rochdale, these include: The building of over 1,000 new homes across the borough in the last three years of which 457 were affordable homes. In 2010/11... More
    Opened 28 November 2011
  • Park Satisfaction Survey

    The Environmental Management service at Rochdale Council manage your public parks. Over the last few years we have obtained many accolades for excellent management, with Green Flag Awards being won by 8 parks and other open spaces in 2011. The Green Flag Awards are achieved through an independent inspection with the scheme being run by “Keep Britain Tidy”. We need the comments from members of the public to make sure we continue to deliver the best public parks and other open... More
    Opened 11 January 2012
342 results. Page 1 of 12