TS201 - Partnership work with Bury MBC re. Youth Offending Team (YOT) service delivery

Closed 12 Dec 2012

Opened 18 Sep 2012


Outline of Proposal

We already have an existing partnership arrangement in place with Bury that allows Rochdale Borough Council’s YOT to manage YOT services undertaken by Bury Council.  This proposal looks to develop this collaboration further.

Negotiations are underway with Bury Council to explore the development of a more integrated style of service delivery that provides good quality services to YOT service users, and effective management oversight of the provision.

The proposal will extend the current arrangement so that management of specific service delivery themes is undertaken consistently across both Boroughs. This will ensure a consistent approach to how children and young people are dealt with by the courts, which are situated in Bury. How early intervention services are accessed and how we make sure that community sentences are effectively carried out.  The underlying principle that underpins this agreement is that children and young people are able to access the required support and interventions within their own Local Authority.

By providing services to Bury Council, we are generating an income for Rochdale Borough Council.  We are currently exploring the creation of a combined YOT Management Board to oversee the work of the YOT across both boroughs, and governance of the service is in the process of being clearly defined. This proposal also includes the deletion of one business support post.

The indicative saving for this proposal is £127,000.

As the proposal will affect service users, we have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment to identify likely or actual effects on people with protected characteristics. The Equality Impact Assessment will be reviewed and updated as required, taking account of consultation feedback.

You can find the full proposal document and Equality Impact Assessment below in the related documents section.


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