SFL105 - Increase income generation - Education Psychology
Outline of Proposal
Councils have a statutory duty to identify and assess those children whose needs require additional educational provision (educational provision that is over that which is normally available in a mainstream school).
In order to fulfill this statutory duty the council is required to maintain an Educational Psychology Service which is sufficiently flexible.
Over the last year, the service has investigated and found that schools would be willing to enter into a buy-back process for this service, which offers more than the statutory minimum councils are required to provide.
It is therefore proposed that a minimum income target is set from this work, which could contribute to the saving needs of the council.
General Impact
This proposal has been tested over the last financial year and it has proven financially feasible. It will also allow schools the flexibility to increase their Educational Psychology (EP) time if they so wish. There is no evidence of any negative impact on individual children.
Impact on Service Users
The proposal allows schools to buy additional EP time if this is a priority for them. The numbers of children accessing the service has not been affected to date and is not expected to be affected in the future.
The indicative saving for this proposal is £50,000.
As the proposal will affect service users, we have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment to identify likely or actual effects on people with protected characteristics. The Equality Impact Assessment will be reviewed and updated as required, taking account of consultation feedback.
You can find the full proposal document and Equality Impact Assessment below in the related documents section.
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