C03 - Adult Care Transport

Closed 19 Dec 2011

Opened 21 Sep 2011

Results updated 17 Feb 2012

Thank you very much for all comments submitted to the savings proposals consultation. The staff and public consultation process have now concluded.  

Elected members have considered the final reports on this proposal including the staff and public views gathered during the consultation period. The decisions made are detailed below:

This proposal will end the automatic provision of transport for people to access adult social care services at a current cost of around £1million per year. There is no legal requirement to provide transport on this basis.

People will be helped to plan their transport needs and helped to make sure they access the Disability Living and Attendance Allowances to fund this if they qualify.  The transport needs of all service users will be reviewed and they’ll be supported to find an appropriate transport solution.

Where high level needs exist and these needs cannot be met by the transport alternatives available service users will be given a personal budget and supported to find a transport solution to meet their needs.

Proposed full year saving 2012/13:  £148,000

Revised full year saving 2012/13:  £125,000

Additional saving of £23,000 will be identified through alternative proposal.

Cabinet Decision: To be implemented as originally proposed and subject to consultation with staff affected

You can find the final proposal document, equality impact assessment, and the public summary of all proposal decisions in the files section below.



This proposal will end the automatic provision of transport for people to access adult social care services.

The Council currently provides transport for many people attending adult social care and other community services at a cost of around £1million per year. Journey costs are very high per journey and are heavily subsidised.

The Council is not legally required to provide transport for these purposes. Other councils facing similar budget pressures have reduced or discontinued transport to social care services.

In future people will be helped to plan their transport needs with the assistance of staff at the service they attend. In the main, people will be required to fund their own transport. We’ll help to ensure that people are getting the mobility element of the Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance. Both of these benefits are intended to help people in meeting the costs of everyday life arising from their disability.

The transport needs of all service users will be reviewed and they’ll be supported to find an appropriate transport solution. For example, people will also be encouraged to make use of the Council supported volunteer drivers’ scheme.

There will be some people with high level needs where their transport requirements are in excess of what can normally be met. In these cases service users will be given a personal budget and supported to find a transport solution that meets their needs

The indicative saving for this proposal is £148,000

As the proposal will affect service users, we have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment to identify likely or actual effects on people with protected characteristics.


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