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10 results

  • Re-introduction of Replacement Waste Bin Charge

    Overview of proposal It is proposed that new charges are introduced as follows: The introduction of a £30 charge for replacement bins issued to properties that have already received a bin of the same type within the past five years. Overall impact of proposed change This change will result in Improved street scene, since April 2019 we have had 35000 reports of bins that have been abandoned, vandalised, lost or stolen accounting for almost half of the... More
    Closes 16 February 2025
  • Specialist Health Improvement Service Budget Reduction

    Specialist Health Improvement Service Budget Reduction Overview Outline of Proposal Public Health and Communities Directorate funds services to improve the health and wellbeing of residents in the Borough. The Specialist Health Improvement Service, Living Well is delivered by the Big Life Group. The aim of Specialist Health Improvement Service is to: Improve the health and wellbeing of residents at a community level ... More
    Closes 23 February 2025
  • DELVE Overview

    You have been invited to complete a survey regarding our DELVE process. Please complete the following feedback survey using the link provided. More
    Closes 5 January 2026
  • Savings

    We're preparing for a challenging budget gap, following reductions in government funding and increased demand for services. In the future, as we'll have less money and staff, we won't be able to do as much, and it's important that we focus on the things that matter to our residents. We're currently developing new and innovative ways of meeting the budget gap and we'll be working closely with partners, residents and service users to achieve this. Click the link below to find out... More
    Closes 18 April 2028
  • Towns Fund - money to help us improve Rochdale

    In November 2019, Rochdale was announced as one of the 101 towns to benefit from the £3.6 billion Towns Fund as part of the government's plan to level up regions. We secured £23.6 million. The Towns Fund was set up to address growth constraints and to deliver long-term economic and productivity growth. It will do this through urban regeneration, planning and land use, skills and enterprise infrastructure, and connectivity. This is an opportunity to secure significant investment in... More
    Closes 18 April 2028
  • Legal and public notices

    Rochdale Borough Council publishes legal notices to comply with the legal statutes when carrying out various functions. Some notices are for information purposes only and other notices may invite objections. To find out more information about legal and public noices please click the link below. More
    Closes 18 April 2028
  • Pending alcohol and entertainment licence applications

    These are the pending licence applications under the Licensing Act 2003. Please click the think below to find out more, including the list of pending licence applications, how to submit a representation and hearings about representations. More
    Closes 18 April 2028
  • Proposed permanent restrictions on the highways – Traffic Regulation Orders

    ​​​​​​Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are legal documents that allow the Highway Authority and the Police to enforce various restrictions designed to manage traffic. Examples of these can include speed limits, single and double yellow lines, weight restrictions, one-way streets, no right or left turns and loading bays. To find out more information and have your say on a Traffic Regulation Order, please click the link below. More
    Closes 18 April 2028
  • Support or object to a planning application

    We want to hear your views whether you're supporting or opposing a planning application. To make sure your views aren't misinterpreted, we only accept comments sent to us in writing. We receive a high number of comments on applications and are unable to acknowledge or respond to them directly. Find out how to support or object to a planning application online by clicking the link below. More
    Closes 18 April 2029
  • Borough full of beans survey 2024

    Rochdale was recently awarded membership to the Sustainable Food Places as recognition for the work that is happening in the borough. Because beans are good for the environment and your health, we want to encourage Rochdale to eat more! We’d love to know a bit more about your bean habits at the moment, through the following few questions. More
    Closes 29 November 2030
10 results. Page 1 of 1