Shop Fronts and Security Shutters Supplementary Planning Document

Closed 8 May 2012

Opened 27 Mar 2012


Following the riots in August 2011, local authorities were advised by the government of the importance of ensuring a balance between maximising property security and protecting the look and character of our high streets; planning authorities were asked to review their existing planning policies in this regard.  Additionally, the existing Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) dates from 1995.  Whilst much of the design guidance is equally relevant today, it does not take account of changes in planning legislation, nor does it contain any design guidance for security shutters.  Thus, it is considered timely to produce a new Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which will provide not only updated guidance in respect of the design of shop fronts, but also will contain detailed guidance in respect of the Council’s approach to security shutters.

At the Township Planning Sub Committees in January 2012, and Licensing and Regulatory Committee in February 2012, the Council’s proposed approach was outlined and agreed.

The first part of the document is an update of the existing 1995 SPG, which outlines best practice in terms of principles for creating attractive shop fronts.  This will be used to inform applicants and agents of the design and information expected.  The second part of the guidance addresses shop front security measures specifically, in particular roller shutters; it is recognised that traders and businesses often have legitimate concerns in respect of security issues, but roller shutters can make an area look intimidating and uninviting, and do not always have the intended effect of improving security.  A balance needs to be struck, and the guidance therefore gives detailed advice in respect of the security options available, and what might be most appropriate in particular circumstances.  It also seeks to offer greater clarity about what the Council will expect in terms of design details once the options have been considered, both in all areas of the borough and in Conservation Areas in particular.

Why your views matter

Now that we have drafted the guidance we want to get the views of residents, businesses and other interested parites so that we can take account of these in producing the final document.

You can look at printed copies of the documents at all council libraries and Customer Service Centres,  all well as the links below.

You can also view a copy at the Planning Reception, Floor 1, Telegraph House, Baillie Street, Rochdale, OL16 1JH.

We would like your views on the draft SPD by the 8 May 2012. It would be particularly helpful if you could use the online form when responding. 

Email comments to:

Post comments to: Strategic Planning Services, Rochdale Borough Council, PO Box 32, Telegraph House, Baillie Street, Rochdale OL16 1JH

Need help: If you have any queries, or problems in responding, please telephone us on 01706 924371.


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