Rochdale Publication Core Strategy January 2013

Closed 8 Mar 2013

Opened 25 Jan 2013


The Core Strategy is a borough-wide strategic framework for growth and development up to 2028.  It includes policies that set out the broad scale and location of new housing and employment development, transport and environmental policies and policies for determining planning applications.

Following consultation on a Draft Core Strategy in 2012 we have now produced our Publication Core Strategy for consultation.  At this formal Publication stage, representations will be invited strictly in relation to issues of soundness (i.e. whether the Core Strategy has been positively prepared, whether it is justified and effective and whether it is consistent with national policy) and legal compliance only.

The consultation on the Publication Core Strategy runs from 25 January to 8 March 2013.

Viewing the documents

You can view this Publication Core Strategy and other key documents:

  • Related documents at the bottom of this page;
  • At Council customer information points and libraries, either as hard copies or via the website below; or
  • At the Planning Reception, Floor 1, Telegraph House, Baillie Street, Rochdale.

If you require further information about this consultation or the Core Strategy please contact 01706 924373 or

How to comment

Comments must be made by 5pm Friday 8 March 2013.

You can send us your comments to Strategic Planning, Planning and Regulation Services, RMBC, Telegraph House, Baillie Street, Rochdale,OL16 1JH.  Or you can email us your comments to  If you are using these two methods to comment it would be helpful if you could use the comments form which can be downloaded from the website below or which can be obtained from libraries and customer information points.  The comments form will ensure that your comments meet the specific consultation requirements for the Publication stage i.e. relate to soundness and legal compliance only.

If you write or email please give us you contact details and the policy or section you are commenting on.

Next steps

We may propose some minor changes in response to any representations received in relation to soundness and legal compliance before we submit the Core Strategy to the Secretary of State.  The objections, and any proposed changes, will then be considered at an ‘Examination in Public’ by an independent government Inspector.  The Inspector will then issue a report with recommendations on whether the Council should adopt the Core Strategy and if so with what changes.  The Council will then adopt and publish the final Core Strategy.

A request may be made to be notified when the Core Strategy has been submitted for independent examination, when the planning inspector’s recommendations regarding the Core Strategy have been published, and when the Core Strategy has been adopted.


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