RBSCP Residents’ Survey

Closed 30 Sep 2022

Opened 13 Jun 2022


Safeguarding children in Rochdale

The purpose of this short survey is to find out people’s knowledge and understanding of safeguarding children and the people and organisations in Rochdale that can help to safeguarding children. It is open to Rochdale borough residents aged over 18.

This survey asks a few questions about you and your understanding of safeguarding children and how to report concerns.

This survey is anonymous and confidential.  No one will be able to identify you from your answers and your participation is voluntary.  You may choose not to take the survey, to stop responding at any time, or to skip any questions that you do not want to answer.

Your responses are valuable to us and we appreciate your time.

If you would like to be involved in future Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Children Partnership (RBSCP) consultations, please email your contact details (name and contact email) separately to: rbsb.admin@rochdale.gov.uk


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