SFL202 - Review the cost of SEN Home to School/College Transport

Closed 12 Dec 2012

Opened 18 Sep 2012


Outline of Proposal

The council has a statutory duty to make sure that children and young people with special needs / a disability are provided with a school/college place suitable to their needs. 

If this is not the nearest school/college to their home address (for example a special school/college) then the council has a duty to make sure the child reaches this provision. Historically this has been via the provision of free home to school / home to college transport.

It is now important to review whether this is the only way of delivering this statutory duty. 

The review will look, for example, at whether parents can be more involved and perhaps receive something towards their costs or whether the existing system remains in place but parents are requested to contribute towards the costs.

Other options might relate to the provision of transport only for those who do not live close to the school/college or whether there is an increase in travel training provided to enable those students who can, to travel independently on public transport.

Once the review is completed, proposals would be published for further consultation before any new system is introduced in 2014.

General Impact

Any impact will only become evident once the review is completed and will form part of a further consultation on the proposals.

The indicative saving for this proposal is £200,000.

We have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment to identify likely or actual effects on people with protected characteristics. The Equality Impact Assessment will be reviewed and updated as required, taking account of consultation feedback.

You can find the full proposal document and Equality Impact Assessment below in the related documents section.


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