SFL108 - Review Sure Start Commissioning Budget

Closed 12 Dec 2012

Opened 18 Sep 2012


Outline of Proposal

In Rochdale Borough over 95% of antenatal and postnatal appointments take place in children’s centres, which enables Sure Start staff to access parents both prior to and after the birth.

Sure Start had a service level agreement (SLA) with Pennine Acute NHS Trust in relation to the midwifery service and the registration of new births. Parental consent would be gained enabling children’s centres to then act on this information.

The SLA with Pennine Acute NHS Trust was decommissioned in March 2012 in full consultation with the Trust. Midwifery however remains a key partner in the delivery of early years services and this joint working is not affected by the conclusion of this service level agreement.

A grant to Meadowfields Community Centre originated when it was part of the original framework for delivering children’s centres services across the borough. Whilst an important partner in delivering support, the community centre does not fulfil a role beyond other centres and childcare providers in the borough and therefore the additional grant is not required for specific outcomes.

It is therefore proposed to reduce the commissioning budget available to Sure Start for 2013/14 in relation to the commissioning of services from Pennine Acute NHS Trust, and the grant allocated to Meadowfields Community Centre.

General Impact

The outcomes previously commissioned from Pennine Acute NHS Trust are being achieved through other ways of working therefore there will be no impact.

There should be no impact of withdrawing the grant to Meadowfield Community Centre in relation to specific outcomes for childcare providers. 

Impact on Service Users    

There should be no impact to service users of childcare provision at Meadowfield Community Centre as the centre does not fulfil a role beyond other centres and child care providers in the borough. The centre delivers the Free Early Years Entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds for which there is a separate SLA and funding.

The indicative saving for this proposal is £146,000.

We have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment to identify likely or actual effects on people with protected characteristics. The Equality Impact Assessment will be reviewed and updated as required, taking account of consultation feedback.

You can find the full proposal document and Equality Impact Assessment below in the related documents section.


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