Rochdale Borough Transport Strategy 2013 Refresh

Closed 5 Apr 2013

Opened 25 Feb 2013


The Borough Transport Strategy is a statement and lobbying document detailing the Council’s Transport aspirations to meet future travel needs in the Borough to 2026. It was initially published in June 2010 and as a live document was intended to be regularly reviewed and refreshed. A number of the short term priority improvements (e.g. Metrolink / Rochdale PT Interchange) included in the document are now under construction, nearing completion or have secured financial commitment, therefore it is an appropriate time to refresh the strategy and promote the next generation of Council transport improvements to compete with other GM transport priorities for devolved major scheme funding and GM City Deal “Earnback”.

The Transport Strategy is not statutory document but informs and supports the Council’s Local Development Framework (LDF) documents and Greater Manchester’s Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) and has been successful in attracting resources and deliver improvements.

The document is used to lobby partner, stakeholder and funding bodies for improvements to the transport network and the programme of works is set out in Chapter 9 of the Strategy.

The Council welcomes views on the Refreshed Strategy and Public Consultation on it runs from 25 February to 5 April 2013.

Viewing the document

You can view the Rochdale Borough Transport Strategy 2013 Refresh:

  • On-line which can be accessed using the link at the bottom of the page;
  • In hard copy at Rochdale MBC’s Planning Service Reception, Floor 1, Telegraph House, Baillie Street Rochdale OL16 1JH until Friday 15 March 2013 and at Rochdale MBC, One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1YH, from Monday 18 March 2013 to Friday 5 April 2013.

You can also contact Richard Chapman for further information on 01706 924361 or or to be sent a hard copy on request.

How to comment

Comments must be made on Friday 5 April 2013 at the latest.

By e-mailing them to or alternatively you can send us your comments to: Strategic Planning, Planning and Regulation Services, Rochdale MBC, Floor 1 Telegraph House Baillie Street, Rochdale OL16 1JH until Friday 15 March 2013, or Strategic Planning, Planning and Regulation Service, Rochdale MBC, Floor 3 One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1YH after Friday 15th March until Friday 5th April 2013.

Next Steps

All representations will be analysed and if they correct inaccuracies, clarify, strengthen or offer support the Council’s Transport aspirations they could lead to the document being amended.  All responses will be the subject of a Cabinet report seeking approval for the refreshed Transport Strategy.


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