Feel Good Family Picnic 2024

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Closes 9 Sep 2024

Feel Good Family Picnic 2024

1. How did you find out about the Feel Good Family Picnic?
2. Which Feel Good Family Picnic did you attend (you can select more than one if you attended more than one event)
3. How many people did you attend with (include children and adults)?
4. Did you participate in any activities at the Feel Good Family Picnic?
5. If yes, has this experience made you:
6. Please tell us 3 words which describe your experience of the Feel Good Family Picnic.
7. Is there anything about the Feel Good Family Picnic you would like to see improved or changed in the future?
8. Did you plan your trip to the borough particularly for the Feel Good Family Picnic?
9. How would you rate the following?
10. On a scale of 0 - 10, how likely is it that you would recommend the Feel Good Family Picnic to a friend, family member or colleague, with 10 being extremely likely and 0 being not at all likely?
11. What form of transport did you use to get to the Feel Good Family Picnic? (If you used multiple modes of transport, please select the MAIN one)
12. Which form of transport do you use most frequently OVERALL?
13. Which age group are you in?
14. Which group best describes your ethnicity?
15. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
16. If you live in the UK, what is your full postcode? This information will only be used for research.
17. If you’d like us to alert you about next year’s Feel Good Family Picnic when details are announced please enter your email address: