School Admission Arrangements 2014-15

Closed 28 Jan 2013

Opened 3 Dec 2012



The Local Authority is consulting on Admission Arrangements and Planned Admission Numbers for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2014-15.

The document sets out the policy and arrangements for:

  • the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for 2014-15;
  • the Within-year Transfer Policy 2014-15;
  • Consultation on Admission Policy for 2014-15; and
  • Planned Admission Numbers 2014-15.


There are no changes proposed for the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme or the Within-Year Transfer Policy.

 The Admission Policy is the same as for 2013-14, with three proposed changes:

  • a clear statement on the definition of Looked After Children (to be consistent with the Admissions Code);
  • a revised statement on medical/psychological criteria ( to be clear that this refers to exceptional medical circumstances and to include exceptional child welfare considerations- e.g.. children at risk); and
  • the inclusion of a further tie-breaker in the event that distance measures are not enough to decide an allocation.


Proposed Planned Admission Numbers (PAN) for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools are set out in relation to the physical space available in the school ( the Net Capacity). For primary schools this is subject to consultation on the need for extra Reception Class Places from 2013.

Please send any comments to Dawn Jennings by e-mail or in writing by 28th January 2013 to: or D.Jennings, School Organisation & Development Team, Support for Learning Service, PO Box 70, Municipal Offices, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1YD.

Voluntary Aided Schools, Foundation Schools, and Academies are their own admission authorities and so are responsible for ensuring their admission arrangements are consulted upon where necessary and comply with the School Admissions Code.


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