2024 Gating Order / Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation (14-15 Maple Close, Middleton)

Closed 15 Mar 2024

Opened 2 Feb 2024


Rochdale council has previously installed gates adjacent to your property/within your local vicinity to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood.

The gates which were initially installed under a gating order have now been replaced by a Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO), under the provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. Under this legislation PSPO’s can only remain in place for a maximum of 3 years, unless extended by further order.

Under the order the Council maintains the gates at the following location:

  • 14-15 Maple Close, Middleton

The council is considering renewing each of the orders for a further 3 years.  In order to help decide whether to proceed with the renewal of the Order the Council is seeking your views as to whether the reasons for the order remain valid. 


  • East Middleton Ward


  • All People


  • Strategic Planning