PS02 - Customer Service Centres
Results updated 16 Feb 2012
Thank you very much for all comments submitted to the savings proposals consultation. The staff and public consultation process have now concluded.
Elected members have considered the final reports on this proposal including the staff and public views gathered during the consultation period. The decisions made are detailed below:
Customer Service Centres in Rochdale, Heywood, Milnrow and Middleton will be moved to operate from the libraries in those places, the way people access information will change. Staffing will be reviewed.
Information will be accessible through basic enquiries to advisors at the Contact Centre via free phones in the libraries or by phoning from elsewhere. The internet can be used from home or in libraries. Appointments will be available for complicated enquiries, or where the phone or internet isn’t accessible.
Proposed full year saving 2012/13: £619,900
Revised full year saving 2012/13: £464,300
Cabinet Decision: To be implemented as originally proposed
You can find the final proposal document, equality impact assessment, and the public summary of all proposal decisions in the files section below.
- Post Consultation Public Summary & Recommendations, 145.5 KB (Microsoft Word Document)
- PS02 - Customer Service Centres, 402.0 KB (Microsoft Word Document)
- PS02 EIA - Customer Service Centres, 166.5 KB (Microsoft Word Document)
This proposal involves moving the Customer Service Centres in Rochdale, Heywood, Milnrow and Middleton to operate from the libraries in those places, and changing the way people access information.
People will be able to get information or make basic enquiries by speaking to advisors at the Contact Centre via free phones in the libraries or by phoning up from elsewhere, and via the internet either from home or in libraries. People will also be able to make appointments for more complicated enquiries, or if they can’t use the phone or internet.
These changes will be made through:
- The proposed closure of customer service sites and re-location within libraries
- Implementing a range of staffing changes
The indicative saving for this proposal is £655,000
As the proposal will affect service users, we have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment to identify likely or actual effects on people with protected characteristics.
- All Areas
- All People
- £64 Million Question
- Savings Proposals
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