PS01 - Internal Library Re-structure and one year only reduction to the book fund
Results updated 16 Feb 2012
Thank you very much for all comments submitted to the savings proposals consultation. The staff and public consultation process have now concluded.
Elected members have considered the final reports on this proposal including the staff and public views gathered during the consultation period. The decisions made are detailed below:
Library staff will be reorganized around peaks and troughs of demand and the book fund which is used to buy books and other stock reduced by £100,000. The cut to the book fund would be for a one year period only. Opening hours and the number of libraries in the borough remain unchanged.
This means that some libraries would become single staffed at quieter times, which may occasionally mean that serving times increase.
Proposed full year saving 2012/13: £200,000
Cabinet Decision: To be implemented as originally proposed
You can find the public summary of all proposal decisions in the files section below.
- Post Consultation Public Summary & Recommendations, 145.5 KB (Microsoft Word Document)
This proposal involves reorganising the library staff and reducing the book fund, which is used to buy books and other stock. The cut to the book fund would be for a one year period only. There will be no change to the opening hours or number of libraries in the borough.
When we analysed staff rotas across the borough, we found we could organise them better to cover busy and quiet periods more efficiently and make savings. This proposal means that some libraries would become single staffed at quieter times, which may occasionally mean that serving times increase.
The proposal also seeks to reduce the fund used to buy books and learning resources by £100,000 to £138,370 for one year only. This one year saving will mean that book stock and other resources will be more limited than it is currently, as the purchase of new books and other resources would decrease for this set time. The book fund would return to its previous levels after the one year reduction.
The indicative saving for this proposal is £200,000
As the proposal will affect the workforce, the related report is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act by virtue of Section 40(2) and Section 40 (3)(a)(i): This information is exempt as disclosure of this information could breach Data Protection Principles as it includes personal data.
As the proposal will affect service users, we have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment to identify likely or actual effects on people with protected characteristics.
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