PR103 - Public Protection

Closed 12 Dec 2012

Opened 18 Sep 2012


Outline of Proposal

This proposal comprises four elements:

  • Withdrawing the Stray Dog Service
  • Withdrawing from a Greater Manchester (AGMA) initiative for inspecting low risk food premises
  • Two proposals relating to staff changes


General Impact

The ending of the Stray Dog Service will have an impact specific to those parts of the Borough where there are problems of stray dogs which is described in the EIA. The withdrawal from the AGMA scheme will cease the inspection of low risk food premises. The staffing proposals will mean a reduction in some services but with some retained provision.

Impact on Service Users    

As above. The removal of the Stray Dog Service will have an impact on specific owners of stray dogs but the number of owners reclaiming dogs has reduced considerably. There will also be an increased risk of dogs causing problems and an increase in the numbers of strays on the streets. The deletion of the inspection of low risk food premises is not expected to have any identifiable impact on the public as it maintains inspections of medium and high risk premises. There will be some reduction in services where staff reductions have taken place but with a retained service.

The indicative saving for this proposal is £118,000.

As the proposal will affect service users, we have undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment to identify likely or actual effects on people with protected characteristics. The Equality Impact Assessment will be reviewed and updated as required, taking account of consultation feedback.


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