Park Satisfaction Survey

Closed 30 Sep 2012

Opened 11 Jan 2012


The Environmental Management service at Rochdale Council manage your public parks. Over the last few years we have obtained many accolades for excellent management, with Green Flag Awards being won by 8 parks and other open spaces in 2011.  The Green Flag Awards are achieved through an independent inspection with the scheme being run by “Keep Britain Tidy”.

We need the comments from members of the public to make sure we continue to deliver the best public parks and other open spaces possible within the resources available.  We need you to tell us what is good about our parks, so we can protect and enhance these features.  We need you to tell us what the problems are, so we can take action to solve them.

In 2012 we will be writing a new Park, Countryside and Open Spaces Strategy to guide our actions over the next 5 to 10 years.  Everything you tell us in this consultation will inform our Strategy and therefore what our priorities will be and how we will invest money in parks and open spaces.

The deadline for responses to this consultation has been extended to September 30th 2012.


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