CS002 - Proposal to Reduce the Cost of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Closed 29 Oct 2014

Opened 8 Sep 2014


Outline of Proposal

Local Authorities have a responsibility to provide services to children in need and those who are looked after, which may include mental health services; this can be delivered directly or in partnership with other agencies. In addition, the NHS/Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has a duty to meet the health needs of all children including those who are looked after by other councils and residents in Rochdale borough.  Consequently, it is more efficient for the Local Authority and NHS/CCG to work together. 

It is proposed by having a service specification/contract that makes clear the services required for children ‘in need’ on the ‘edge of care’ or ‘looked after’ it is possible to reduce Rochdale Council’s financial contribution and support the effective delivery of a CAMHS to those children to whom the local authority has a statutory responsibility.

General Impact

The impact from this proposal is anticipated to be positive in that  it is expected that a clearer specification, performance reporting/monitoring arrangement will drive improvements that prevent children/young people becoming unnecessarily ‘looked after’ and increase the stability of care for those who are looked after by Rochdale.  

The budget allocation provides for the current staffing complement to be maintained and allows the capacity to better respond to those children on the ‘edge of care/in need’.

Impact on Service Users

It is not expected there will be any detrimental impact on service users. The service specification provides a ‘tiered’ approach to ensure the service is appropriately responsive and able to provide an emergency response should the needs of a child require one. 

Savings Total: £200,000 on-going saving in 2015/16

The Council is assessing the potential equality impact which the proposals may have and are undertaking full Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) where this is appropriate. The EIAs are draft working documents which are to be developed over time.

This means that as further detail becomes available through the consultation process the EIAs will be updated and finalised before a final decision is reached.

You can find the full proposal document, which includes the Equality Impact Assessment, below in the related documents section.


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