CS-2017-306 Reshape of Children's Social Care delivery

Closed 31 Oct 2016

Opened 15 Sep 2016


Overview of proposal

To re-shape children social care services to achieve a saving of £350,000 over two years, in response to continuing reduction in demand and focus on provision of early help.

Overall impact of proposed change

Reshaping of Children’s Social Care over 2017/18 and 2018/19 will provide sufficient services for children who need the service.

Impact on affected service users

If demand continues to reduce there should be no impact on service users. If the current downward trajectory was to change, service users would be impacted as caseloads would increase. Mitigation is in place to reduce the risks of this. 

Total Savings: 2017/18 £200,000 ongoing & 2018/19 £150,000 ongoing

You can find the full proposal document, which includes the Equality Impact Assessment, below in the related documents section.



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