CC103 - Proposal to reconfigure the Community Safety Team and reduce commissioned budgets

Closed 8 Feb 2016

Opened 24 Nov 2015


Outline of Proposal

This proposal is to reduce the staffing resource available to the Community Safety Team, as well as reduce its budget for commissioning services.

General Impact

If adopted, the proposals will reduce the overall level of resource which the Council devotes to the Crime and Disorder agenda, whilst ensuring that its statutory duties are complied with.

Impact on Service Users

This restructure proposal affects the Community Services team and the proposals include a reduction in the support provided on crime and anti-social behaviour, equalities, burglary reduction (incorporating home security and alley gating) and victim support.

Savings Total:  £290,000 on-going saving in 2016/17


You can find the full proposal document, which includes the Equality Impact Assessment, below in the related documents section.


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